27 Verbs to Use for the Word rap

It would certainly contribute greatly to the cheerfulness of one about to leave this "mortial wale," to feel morally certain that nobody cared a rap about him, or was going to make any fuss just for a trifle like that.

He struck two or three blows, but soon found that he had met his match, for Robin warded and parried all of them, and, before the Tinker thought, he gave him a rap upon the ribs in return.

Slowly and carefully each man shot his shafts, and so deep was the silence that you could hear every arrow rap against the target as it struck it.

" Then he hit me a good rap on the shoulder and said, "So you see how it was, kiddo?

Just before adjournment the Medium laid her hands upon the table and tried to produce "raps," but did not succeed. Has been a Spiritualist for nine or ten years, but has always been possessed of unusual powers.

Does it matter one rap what this rabble says about us?

A dim impression was in her mind that a voice had accompanied the rap, and had made an unsympathetic announcement which meant the need to get up.

Make room there!stand by!give back!One receiving a rap, another an elbow, half a score a push a piece!

And here, answering a rap at the door, he opened it upon Lou Macon.

"'Member one night last winter, after the Deacon got warm in bed, there come a rap at the door; and who should it be but old Beulah Ward, wantin' to see the Deacon?'twas her boy she sent, and he said Beulah was sick and hadn't no more wood nor candles.

On the other hand, Daggett kept a rap full, and stood on.

And now she's at the Doctor's door, She lifts the knocker, rap, rap, rap; The Doctor at the casement shows His glimmering eyes that peep and doze!

Ten original ways of making raps."

Mr. Sellers (addressing the Spirit): Will you repeat the raps we heard just now, assuming that there were some?

All night long she walked in a garden of sleeping flowers, "sweet shut mouths of rosebuds, and closed white lids of lilies"; and it seemed but a short night, for in her dreams she had half the garden still to explorein searching for Nick, it seemedwhen a rap, sharp as the breaking of a tree branch, made her start up in bed.

" Mr. Cassilis struck his riding-boot a sudden smart rap with his whip; his eyes snapped, and his nostrils dilated, as he glanced down into Bellew's imperturbable face.

Mr. Furness: Do you suppose that the present conditions are such that you can throw the raps to a part of the room other than that in which you are?

He did not value his office of Chief Detective Inspector a rap beside that temporary rank of Captain of Red Marines.

(SHE administers a smart rap on the nose.

We were all wet through and through, but nobody bothered a rap about that.

" As every command was obeyed, the Sea Lion was soon running off free, her bowlines hanging loose, and all her canvass a rap full.

Brigson's crust caught him a sharp rap on the forehead as he moved.

In the old prints of French kitchen interiors, the cook's inseparable companion is his ladle, which he used for stirring and serving, and occasionally for dealing a refractory garçon de cuisine a rap on the head.

Thus, then, did she devote her time till sundown, whereabouts Mrs. Butterby raps at her door to know if she will have a cup of warm caudle to comfort her, at the same time telling her that Mr. Hopkins will not sup with her, as he has Captain Evans for his guest at the lodge.

It came to her door and there followed a sharp but gentle rap.

27 Verbs to Use for the Word  rap