75 Verbs to Use for the Word sunlight

In those days I thought that I had caught the sunlight on my pen, and the wind and the moon and the spinning earth.

The spot where this stream enters, is in the deep shadow of the old forest trees that reach their leafy arms far out from the ledges on which they grow, forming an arch above, and shutting out the sunlight.

He was looking at the book-case before him, but a mist rose between it and his eyes, and he saw the mountain-side and the darling of his heart riding down it, the sunlight on her face, the soft tendrils of hair blown rough by the wind, the red lips apart with a smilethe little grave smile which he had kissed away into deeper, still sweeter seriousness.

How proud the good ship bore you Adown the golden bay, The sun's last light upon its sails I stood there mournfully; For I know it left the darkness Took the sunlight all away.

"Good-bye, and mind, you're to keep bright and cheerful, and let the sunlight in all the time.

The ripe fruit seeks the sunlight through all the clustering leaves The earth is decked with golden maize, and costly yellow sheaves.

With a hand-mirror reflect the sunlight on a white wall.

The carriage turned and went for a little space between brown fields and closely clipped hedgerows, and then madame saw the windows of her old home flashing back the morning sunlight over the high stone wall.

He reasoned idly that it must be as late as ten o'clock in the forenoon, and knew that by reaching out his arm he could open the shutter of the hotel window, admitting the sunlight and affording a view over the park and the blue lake, but he was laggard about it.

These are the islands whereto the souls of the sailors every night put in from all the world to rest from going up and down the seas, to behold again the vision of far-off intimate hills that lift their orchards high above the fields facing the sunlight, and for a while again to speak with the souls of old.

O King and master, if, indeed, I am thy loved one still, As in those days when I was first upon Alhambra's hill, Send rescue for thy darling, or fear her love may fade, For love that needs the sunlight must wither in the shade.

He knows not the details of her home life, the husband is merely a dark cloud that fills one side of the picture, sometimes obliterating the sunlight; a shadowy shape that in certain moments solidifies and assumes the likeness of a rock-sculptured, imminent monster; but the shadow and the shape and the threat are magnetic, and in a sense of danger the fascination is sealed....

In front, they looked so sparse and scattered, with open spaces where the sunshine fell; but when she turned it seemed they stood so close together, a serried army, darkening the sunlight.

And while my small hand touched his I gazed into the spaces of the bedroom, with its walls of faded blue tapestry and its white curtains, and its marble and rosewood, and they seemed to hold peace, as the hollows of a field hold dew; they seemed to hold happiness as a great tree holds sunlight in its branches; and outside was the murmuring of the leaves of the forest and the virginal freshness of the morning.

Where falls the sunlight chequered by the shade On meadows of the past, I gathered blossoms that no sun can fade No winter wind can blast.

* Upon awakening, he felt the sunlight on his face.

It was a day of high-driving clouds, thin and fleecy, so that they merely filtered the sunlight and turned it into a haze without decreasing the heat perceptibly, and that heat grew until it became difficult to look down at the blazing sand.

"Unavella," she cried softly, "I have found the sunlight, for I can say 'The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.'

Blazing gold-red against the kitchen window flamed the afternoon sunlight.

There is scarcely enough movement of water to flick the sunlight.

You used to laugh and say the whole thing was child's play and there was nothing to fear, and I believed you,I thought you were so wise, but it was easy to believe you then with your arms folded close about me and the sunlight streaming through the windows and the shouts of the children outside, but now you cannot go with me and I am afraid to go alone."

There are no tall mountain peaks reaching their heads towards the clouds, overlooking the waters; no ranges stretching away into the distance; no gorges or spreading valleys; no sloping hillsides, giving back the sunlight, or along which gigantic shadows of the drifting clouds float.

Select your destiny!" He smiled, attempted to regain his normal air of tolerant importance glanced about himsaw the sunlight making iridescent pools of fire within a crystal ball set on the fountain's edgetook up the ball and brought it to her, holding it in both hands.

Ruddily gleams the sunlight through the clouds And with the lark the spirit flutters up Exultant to the joyous airs of heaven! GOLZ.

From skylights in the roofthere were no side windows to gratify the inquisitivethe sunlight streamed down on three or four partially completed aircraft.

75 Verbs to Use for the Word  sunlight