7 Verbs to Use for the Word swineherds

"Kerm along," snarled the young swineherd.

For as they feed one swineherd goes in one direction sounding his horn, and another in another and thus the animals sort themselves of their own accord and follow their own horn with such eagerness that it is impossible by any means to stop or hinder them.

He would have got on finely with Gurth the swineherd and Burgundy the tusk-toothed, and one of his masterly witticisms would have upset Duns Scotus.

A good measure of the proper height from the ground is what is necessary to enable the swineherd to keep watch that no little pigs are crushed by the sow, and to clean out the bedding easily.

" Robin nodded his head, but he never saw the swineherd again.

" [Sidenote: Sir Lamorack turns swineherd]

This pleased the swineherd well enough.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  swineherds