4 adverbs to describe how to enfranchised

It appears by a letter from Columbia, dated 17th February 1822, about seven months after emancipation had commenced, addressed to James Stephen, Esq. of London, and since made public, "that the slaves were all then peaceably at work throughout the republic, as well as the newly enfranchised and those originally free."

As Mr. Bingham's great speech was on the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, every principle he laid down literally enfranchised the women of the nation.

The non-electors of Great Britain: may they speedily be enfranchised.

From that vessel and all that concerned it we were virtually enfranchised from that momentdismissed to destruction, so to speak, by fire or flood, or rescue from beyond, as the case might be, to life or death, as God willedfor the ship's mission was accomplished.

4 adverbs to describe how to  enfranchised  - Adverbs for  enfranchised