31 adverbs to describe how to verified

A few months later we find the charge to foreign labor renewed, with intimation of the wide field in which he would have to work; an intimation which was amply verified in his future travels.

This prophecy was subsequently verified.

" His words were speedily verified, and the next moment two more figures entered the playground, the object of their visit being at once made evident by the fact that one of them was carrying a bucket.

When the affair was settled, he informs Lady Frances of it in a letter dated from a village near Frankfort, 3d May, in which he refers to his former of the 21st of April, observing how remarkably it was verified "in God's having given him" (for so he expressed it, agreeably to the views which he continually maintained of the universal agency of Divine Providence)

"'Upon the subpoena herein and the complaint duly verified the nineteenth day of February, 1919, and the affidavit of Ephraim Tutt and'" "Who in hell is Tutt?" shouted Greenbaum, interrupting.

According to accounts, which were eloquently verified by the silence of all who listened, the mud was hub deep everywhere, and in places the machines were quite out of sight, burrowing like moles.

An autumn day had long given place to night, ere they verified this last piece of intelligence, and acquired some definite aim for their exertions; but neither liked to compare notes with the other, nor express his own disheartening reflection that Nina might be wandering so late, bewildered, lonely, and unprotected, through the labyrinths of the great city.

Each of these beliefs can be verified experimentally, as often as we like to try.

The conclusion of his career was thus related to Mrs. Forster by Sir Thomas Lawrence:'Your sad presage has been too fatally verified; the last duties have just been paid to the lamented Mr. Bonington.

Dido was amazed at Aeneas' presence; Obstupuit primo aspectu Sidonia Dido; and as he feelingly verified out of his experience; [4908] "Quam ego postquam vidi, non ita amavi ut sani solent Homines, sed eodem pacto ut insani solent.

" Kurilla gravely verified these facts.

" To this Lanyard, hastily verifying her statement by running an eye through the passport, found nothing more appropriate than a wondering "Mon dieu!"

The rumour seemed so highly plausible that it must be feared that sufficient pains were not taken to verify itcannot have been, in fact; for, as I said, here he comes, having been brought, as he affirms, through the air by an angel.

Subsequent experience literally verified this opinion.)

It has been reported of several persons famous for their astrological skill, that they have suffered a voluntary death merely to verify their own predictions.

And if there be a soule tis in mine ey; For, of the harmony these bright starres make, I comprehend the formes of all the world; The story of the Syrens in my voyce I onely verified, for Millions stand Inchanted when I speake, and catch my words As they were orient pearle to adorn their eares; Circe is but a fable, I transforme The vertuous, valiant, and the most precise, Into what forme of minde my fancie please.

"Now it has been proved by exact calculationswhich calculations I have personally verified-that the chance that the print of a single finger of any given person will be exactly like the print of the same finger of any other given person is as one to sixty-four thousand millions.

Other supposed hybrids have been found between the marginal shield and the spinulose fern and its variety intermèdium, and with Goldie's fern; also between the crested fern, including Clinton's variety and each of the others mentioned; and, in fact, between almost all pairs of species of the wood ferns, although we do not think they have been positively verified.

As he could not publicly verify the suggestion of the impertinent small boy, he buttoned his coat tightly about him.

The joining of hands was punctiliously verified, the circle was linked little finger to little finger.

An instance at once of his pensive turn of mind, and his cheerfulness of temper, appeared in a little story which he himself told to Mr. Langton, when they were walking in his garden: 'Here (said he) I had put a handsome sun-dial, with this inscription, Eheu fugaces![206] which (speaking with a smile) was sadly verified, for by the next morning my dial had been carried off.'[207]

This is strictly verified in my case.

This truth is strikingly verified in the persons of the men on our blockade stations, for the prevention of smuggling.

The statements made in my last annual message respecting the anticipated receipts and expenditures of the Treasury have been substantially verified.

The amazing sequel to this strange story is that within the six years allotted by the prophecy, every detail thereof was verified absolutely.

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