9 Words to use with pause

Go to thy work; break into song sometimes, To die away forgotten in the lapse Of dreamy thought, ere natural pause ensue;

We followed a wide bend of the river, around the four pause portage.

Another pause followeda longer onewhen he said in a tone quite low, "General St. Clair shall have justice; I looked hastily through the dispatches, saw the whole disaster but not all the particulars; I will receive him without displeasure; I will hear him without prejudice; he shall have full justice.

How long the pause lastedhow, or why, or when we resumed our seats, even I knew not.

Pause Measures must needs be taken; when All injure or are injured, then E'en Majesty becomes a prey.

[He recollects himself, and after a pause returns to the table, again pretending drunkenness.]

And, if one varied accent prove thy falsehood, Or but one moment's pause betray confusion, Those trembling limbsSpeak out, thou shiv'ring traitor.

(After a moment's pause SILAS gets up, opens the closet door.)

When, all at peace, two friends at ease alone Talk out their hearts,yet still Between the grace-notes of The voice of love From each to each Trembles a rarer speech, And with its presence every pause doth fill.

9 Words to use with  pause