8 Words to use with rouges

It containednot papers regarding the conspiracybut my lady's wigs, washes, and rouge-pots, and Victoire said men were monsters, as the Captain went on with his search.

Thou wert playing at rouge-et-noir in more ways than one; for thy eyes were on thy neighbors, instead of thy cards.

Clothes, yes, talk, yes, powder and rouge inches deep!...

She put a chiffon scarf about the neck of her skimpy little kimono, spent an hour and ten minutes on her hair, made up outrageously with that sublime unconsciousness that comes from too close familiarity with rouge pad and grease jar, and went.

I must have your opinion of the rouge song, Doctor.

Of fish we caught only two kinds; the snapper, a species of sparus, called by the French the rouge bossu, and a tetradon which our people could not be persuaded to eat, although the French lived chiefly upon it.

Perhaps its only use nowadays is in the preparation of rouge (rouge végétale).

Ces diverses couches ont a peine quelques millimitres d'epaisseur, et affectent des nuances agreables, qui varient depuis le rouge-fonce jusqu'au jaune-clair.

8 Words to use with  rouges