8 collocations for geet

Well, th' lad were i' good heart abeawt it; an' when he geet theer th' chap towd him at he thought he wur very likely for th' job, so that made it better,an' th' lad begun o' wearin' his bit o' brass o' summat to eat, an' sich like, thinkin' he're sure o' th' shop.

The old woman said that the husband was "a grinder in a card-room when they geet wed, an' he addled about 8s.

Well, at after that twopence-hawpenny, we geet twopence moor, an' that's o' at we'n getten.

Speaking of her husband, she said, "He were eawt o' wark a good while; but he geet a shop at last, at Blackrod, abeawt four mile off Wigan.

But we hant had no Deth in the time of it, and we wont to no somthing A Bout our School her at for ef we can geet the teacher we can have a good School now, for the is good many pepel wating on us, now.

An' I geet agate o' cryin' an' axin' mysel wheer was heaven, an' was hoo raly theer.

Martha an' me's walked aboon ten mile iv we'n walked a yard; an' we geet weet through th' first thing; an' aw wur ill when we set off, an' so wur Martha, too; aw know hoo wur, though hoo says nought.

You shall heare more on't: When thou art married, if the kind charity Of other men permitt thee to geet thee children That call thy wife mother, bring them up To people shopps and cheat for 18d, The pretious youth that fathers them.

8 collocations for  geet