93 collocations for hooking

He pointed down the passage to the main gate, and hooked his thumb toward the right, to indicate their course.

You held your lines in your fingers, and when you hooked a fish, you drew him in, hand over hand, in a human way.

I remembered the circumstance of hooking a noble trout at the place alleged, and as the affair has been settled, I'll tell you how it was.

"Come on, Lester," and Godfrey hooked his arm through mine.

But the ground was so uneven and rocky that we considered ourselves fortunate in recovering the anchor the next morning without breaking it; for during the night the anchor dragged and hooked a rock; on weighing it, however, the rock proved to be rotten and broke away.

It gats gradually hooked up Pluto.

A necktie!" Jimmie, words failing him for the moment, paused and hooked one foot comfortably behind the other.

When you are ready for me to hook your dress, call.

I know that if women wish to escape the stigma of husband-seeking, they must act and look like marble or claycold, expressionless, bloodless; for every appearance of feeling, of joy, sorrow, friendliness, antipathy, admiration, disgust, are alike construed by the world into the attempt to" (I regret to say that Charlotte wrote) "to hook a husband.

On this bar she used to swing head downwards, just hooking her knees around it, as all the trapeze artists do.

Better?" "I'm all right," said Mr. Wright, with dignity, as the other hooked the door open with his stick and nodded at him.

My twelve stone had dwindled to the weight of a small fowl, and hooking my little finger into the loop of a string hung from a peg fixed near the top of the stern wall, I found myself able thus to support my weight without any sense of fatigue for a quarter of an hour or more; in fact, I felt during that time absolutely no sense of muscular weariness.

Erle Stanley Gardner (A); 27Feb56; R165555. Hooking the crooks.

At his right would be hooked a horse, at his left, a great raw-boned mule, and this triple and discordant team appeared in all the carts, standing immovable before the ships the length of the docks, or dragging their heavy wheels up the slopes leading to the upper city.

She hooked her forefinger around one of the triggers, her eagle eye glanced along the barrels straight at the head of the anti-detective, and, in a clarion voice she sang out "Go!"

we make a simultaneous rush from the bank, and as the rope suddenly tightens with a pull and strain that nearly jerks us all on our backs, we feel that we have hooked the monster, and our excitement reaches its culminating point.


Then he took the point of his spear, and, setting it to a hole in the wall above his head, he hooked out an entire wooden window-frame, as one is taught to pull out a shrimp with a pin on the shore of the Baltic Sea.

Her mere appearance in the restaurant therefore prepared her parents for those symptoms of excessive tension which a nearer inspection confirmed, and Mr. Spragg folded his paper and hooked his glasses to his waistcoat with the air of a man who prefers to know the worst and have it over.

And when he escaped tripping, branches reached out in the darkness, hooked the grip between his shoulders, and held him back.

They hooked your old gun; the next thing they'll be after will be my camera.

Now he hooked the head over his shoulder, pushed back his hat and smiled at the girl.

" He flopped down, hooking his heels in the chair-rung.

'What for did ye hook it in the pictur' hoose an' leave her wi' me?

He nibbles the feather end of his pen, plunges the point into the ink, looks at it intently to see if he has hooked up an idea, sees none, and falls to nibbling again.

93 collocations for  hooking