27 examples of albinos in sentences

I ain't easy scared, maybe, but I knew an albino with white eyes once, and just to look at him made me some sick.

A person unable to read and write is as great a rarity as an albino or a person with six fingers.

"Perhaps he's an albino, really.

For a week he had been airily dispensing with more than one meal a day; to keep clothing and boots immaculate required a sacrifice of breakfast and luncheonbesides, he had various small pensioners to feed, white rabbits with foolish pink eyes, canary birds, cats, albino mice, goldfish, and other collaborateurs in his profession.

The imaginative principle on which it is founded is true to physiology, and Tasso had a right to use it; but the particular and excessive instance does not appear happy in the eyes of a modern reader acquainted with the history of albinos.]

winking &c v.; nictitation; blinkard^, albino. dizziness, swimming, scotomy^; cataract; ophthalmia.

pequeña y hundida entre los hombros, los ojos pequeños y azules, la mirada incierta y torpe como la de los albinos, la nariz roma, los labios gruesos y entreabiertos, la frente calzada, la tez blanca pero ennegrecida por el sol, y el cabello que le caía en parte sobre los ojos y parte alrededor de la cara, en guedejas ásperas

albedrío, m., free will; con libre , of (her) own free will. albergarse, to take up lodgings. albino, m., albino.

albedrío, m., free will; con libre , of (her) own free will. albergarse, to take up lodgings. albino, m., albino.

Behind him came Lovel, an almost albino type with straw-coloured hair and eyes bleached and passionless; the vacuous smile was never gone from his lips.

282) the report he received of Suna's collection: "He had a large menagerie of lions, elephants, leopards, and similar beasts of disport; he also kept for amusement fifteen or sixteen albinos; and so greedy was he of novelty, that even a cock of peculiar form or colour would have been forwarded by its owner to feed his eyes.

The most interesting example of Polar colouring here is the increased proportion of albinos amongst the giant petrels found in high latitudes.

To the left a row of penny shows, a "man hedgehog," an "homme sauvage" and an Albino lady who told fortunes; to the right a platform backed by a canvas wall, surmounted by a sign in huge letters "ThŽ‰tre Tony Ricardo" flanked by rudely painted representations of the acts which were to be seen within.

At Flemingsburg I saw an Albino, a female about fourteen years old.

Most Albinos are dim sighted until twilight, when they appear to have as perfect vision as persons with the strongest sight, and in many cases, even more acute.

The first one I saw, at a very long distance, I thought must be an albino.

Harry F. Ward (A); 19Jan59; R229133. WARDEN, C. J. Animal motivation; experimental studies on the albino rat, by C. J. Warden, T. N. Jenkins, L. H. Warner, Marion Jenkins, E. L. Hamilton and H. W. Nissen.

After he had been on Exhibition for a Half Hour or so, the same as the Albino or the Man with the Elastic Skin in the Main Curio Hall, the Host would clear a Space in the Center of the Room and announce that he was about to spring a Delightful Surprise on their Distinguished Guest.

In the elephants, as well as in all other breeds, an albino is sometimes born.

Muztagh was a long way from being an albino, yet a tendency in that direction had bleached his hide.

In a gentleman's house there, I saw for the first time, a specimen of an Albino or white variety of kangaroo, Halmaturus bennettii.

And when she discovered a woman with fair skin, blue eyes, and yellow hairone of those albinos who are found among the inhabitants of the pueblosshe went into an excitement which was nothing less than ethnological.

ALBINOS, persons or animals with preternaturally pale skin and fair hair, also with pupils of a red or pink colour, and eyes too weak to bear full light.

By white negroes the people mean "albinos."

And Julius, with the outlines of the others, was Albino, with transparent skin mantling with colour that contrasted with his snowy hair, eyebrows, and the lashes, veiling eyes of a curious coral hue, really not unpleasing under their thick white fringes, but most inconveniently short of sight, although capable of much work; in fact, he was a curiously perfect pink-and-white edition of his dark and bronzed brother the sailor.

27 examples of  albinos  in sentences