112 examples of aloofness in sentences

The instant he greeted her she saw the stiffness, the aloofness had gone from him.

Dorn's comrades had at first tormented him with his German name; they had made fun of his abstraction and his letter-writing; they had misunderstood his aloofness.

Like an Indian, Dorn respected brawn, courage, fortitude, silence, aloofness.

She did not join heartily in their conversations when they met her, and had an aloofness about her which could only be explained that way.

Their attitude to the whole affair was one of aloofness.

The implicit theory that supported the intermarrying German royal families in Europe was that their inter-relationship and their aloofness from their subjects was a mitigation of national and racial animosities.

Mr. Lorimer's mouth was drawn down at the corners, but he looked into the fire with the aloofness of a mind not occupied with mundane things.

What he suffered he would suffer in proud aloofness and silence.

For a single moment he fancied that there was a change in that curious personal aloofness which seemed so distinctive of her.

estrangement from the world, voluntary exile; aloofness.

With his quiet ways, tactful temper and air of kindly aloofness, he was popular with the more sensible boys, while the others left him in peace, as he did them.

From dreams of aloofness and ineffable superiority, America comes round very rapidly to a conception of an active participation in the difficult business of statecraft.

This very aloofness of spirit disinclined her for the company of the others after the meal was finished.

That Shakspere shared the exultant patriotism of the times, and the sense of their aloofness from the continent of Europe, which was now born in the breasts of Englishmen, is evident from many a passage in his plays.

There were other characteristics which enhanced this unfortunate impression of aloofness.

This ghostly hospitality was duly dispensed, and Luccia, who seldom drinks anything but tea, instead of sipping her sherry with a lady-like aloofness, drained her glass with a sudden devil-may-care abandon, and, to the evident amazement even of the furniture, held it out to be refilled.

" "The antique world knew how to idealise, and if they delighted in the outward form, they did not leave it gross and vile as we do when we touch it; they raised it, they invested it with a sense of aloofness that we know not of.

Those who see in the dearest and most intimate of human relations, the purest and highest gift of God, will watch with a species of terror, and even repulsion, the aloofness, the solitariness of the mystic and the artist.

One hopes to avoid suffering by aloofness; but there falls upon the spirit a worse sickness than the weariness of toilthe ache of pent-up activities and self-tortured mystifications.

It never occurred to Dade that he himself had fostered the constraint by his moody aloofness when he was fighting the first jealous resentment he had ever felt against the other in the years of their constant companionship.

The room in which I sat had nothing in it but matting as fine as silk, a rare old vase with two flowers and a leaf in formal arrangement, and an atmosphere of aloofness that lulled mind and body to restful revery.

It still retains something of the aloofness which once characterised it as an English outpost on the Welsh border, and is worth a visit.

And, since it is difficult to understand why anyone so British in her independence and aloofness should have surrendered her heart to the first good-looking Frenchman who came her way, we never get to be on very intimate terms with that organ.

It had an air of aloofness that drew her fancy.

It was a cropping out of the strange aloofness for which Hawthorne was marked.

112 examples of  aloofness  in sentences