13 examples of commands' in sentences

how often he would break loose from Lady Dorchester's designing care, long before she thought it right for him to do so, and 'command' his partners for their pretty faces instead of by precedence.

Iat the Red Pertolepe's command 'twas Idid burn out his eyes andcut off his hand'twas IIBlack Roger!

"'Lieutenant T. killed, Lieutenant K. takes command' was passed along.

Well, but now comes mincing in a letter, from one who has 'the honour of dear Miss Howe's commands'* to acquaint Miss Harlowe, that Miss Howe is 'excessively concerned for the concern she has given her.' *

"Be ready for the command 'eyes right' or 'eyes left' when we pass the 'reviewing stand'," Grimm told the platoon commanders just as the parade started.

That relatively to the command 'Be ye perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect', and before the eye of his own pure reason, the best of men may deem himself mere folly and imperfection, I can easily conceive; but this is not the case in question.

The Radicals have had their way, and the people, disgusted, have at length given their command 'Thus far and no farther.'

"Take in two or three feet on the skiff's painter," commanded 'Frisco Kid, who had an eye for everything.

Is one embraced in the command 'Search the Scriptures'?

"I've been giving a 'command' performance for the president," explained the actor modestly.

Fatherland, for thee we perish, At thy fell command 'tis done, May our loved ones ever cherish Freedom, which our blood has won.

Let your men lie below the top of the bank and if any man looks over, till your command 'Up and fire,' kick his face in.

'E was standin' outside 'is show, an' not darin' to go in; the reason bein' Mortimer 'ad picked up a girl from the shootin' gallery, that used to belong to 'is company, and 'e an' she an' Mrs. Mortimer are doing the last act of Othello life size an' tuppence coloured, an' Sam says 'e can't look on an' command 'is feelin's.

13 examples of  commands'  in sentences