2364 examples of formations in sentences

It was necessary almost every day to withdraw certain formations from the front and send them back a considerable distance to water, replacing them by other troops coming from a well centre.

I have met," says the professor, in addition, "with some satisfactory instances of the association of fossil remains of a species of hog with those of the mammoth, in the newer pliocene freshwater formations of England.

You will take part in the meal formations, but in no drills or recitations until you are further advised.

"I shall have to pass this matter on to the commandant of midshipmen," decided the O.C. "Mr. Totten, you will go to your quarters and remain there, until further orders, save only for meal formations.

Yet as for placeI do not like your English primitive formations, where earth, worn out with struggling, has fallen wearily asleep.

The natural formations of the peculiar rocks present bewildering combinations of galleries, columns and frescoes.

It abounds in wildly picturesque scenery, and possesses rock formations of strange shapes and brilliant colors.

It was evidently founded on coral reefs, and the formations are so recent that few minerals are found.

A few of them are high, rising in peaks, but by far the greater number are merely volcanic formations.

But think of the wonderful formations that grow from the bodies of these mites of creatures!

Mobile sanitary formations supplied with light motor ambulances travel about the country, vaccinating, making tours of sanitary inspection, investigating infected areas, and giving general hygienic education throughout the remoter regions.

But I am rather deficient in my knowledge of secondary and alluvial formations; I wish to trouble you with a few inquiries upon that subject.

"I leave much, also, for peculiar local formations.

"On your way to Detroit, you may perhaps, without material inconvenience, collect facts of importance to me, in relation to secondary and alluvial formations.

Brydone, the traveler, says, on the authority of Recupero, a priest, that in sinking a pit near Iaci in the region of Mount Etna, they pierced through seven distinct formations of lava, with parallel beds of earth interposed between each stratum.

He estimates that two thousand years were required to decompose the lava and form it into soil, and consequently that fourteen thousand years were needed for the whole series of formations.

" I find that strontian is much more extensively interspersed through the rock formations of this region than I had heretofore conceived.

These surveys will give us much assistance in judging of the geological formations between the Lake and the Mississippi.

This fault has a thrust of only three feet, but is an instructive example of faults which occur on a tremendous scale in some of the other formations.

Another apparently unanswerable argument against the theory of lateral secretion is furnished by the cases where the same vein traverses a series of distinct formations, and holds its character essentially unaffected by changes in the country rock.

HINDSLEY, MARK H. 24 formations, designs, and entrances for the marching band.

BENNETT, GEORGE T. New and novel formations for marching bands and drum corps, by George T. Bennett & Richard N. Whitfield.

NM: arrangements, music, routines, formations.

NM: arrangements, music, routines, formations.

The chair, vacant by his death, has just been filled by the appointment of M. Elie Beaumont, celebrated for his investigation of mountain formations.

2364 examples of  formations  in sentences