13 examples of freend in sentences

"Ailie," said James, "this is Maister John, the young doctor; Rab's freend, ye ken.

Noo a teetle ye maun hae, that's as clear as the licht, and there's ane come just now into my head that will answer ye to a T; when ye're a lord, freend, Robby, ye'll be Lord Preserve Us?""You are very impertinent Mr. Ck," replied the nettled judge expectant; "I am sure you may find a waur.

o' the toun the nightwill ye come and tak' tea and supper wi' the wife and me, and a freend or twa?' "'I dinna care though I do,' says I; 'but I'm no just in a tea-drinkin' dress.' "'Ne'er mind the dress,' says he.

Unto whose chamber a familiar freend of his resorting to visit him in his sicknes demaunded how he felt himself affected in body.

That the within named Timothy meeting the next day after with Plato said to him:"You philosophers, freend Plato, sup better the day following than the night present.

Yer price is lower than ony ither in the toon and ye mak' extra reductions for yer freends.

twa shillin's a ton beacuse a customer is a freend o' mine, an' then I jist tak' twa hundert-weight aff the ton because I'm a freend

twa shillin's a ton beacuse a customer is a freend o' mine, an' then I jist tak' twa hundert-weight aff the ton because I'm a freend

On his return, after a period of thirty years, on passing the Horse Guards, he looked up to one, and seeing him, as he thought, unchanged as to horse, position, and accoutrements, he exclaimed"Od, freend, ye hae had a lang spell on't sin' I left," supposing him to be the identical sentinel he had seen before he sailed.

The narrator of the skate story coolly replied, "Weel, sir, gin yer freend will tak' a few feet aff the length o' his tiger, we'll see what can be dune about the breadth o' the skate."

Before dinner he went up to Dr. Robertson and addressed him confidentially"Doctor, I understand ye are a brother of my gude freend Peter Robertson of Edinburgh, therefore I'll gie you a piece of advice,Bend[30] weel to the Madeira at dinner, for here ye'll get little o't after."

May we ne'er want a freend, or a drappie to gie him.

"Rhubarb!" repeated the other, with a look of surprise and alarm, and immediately called out to the attendant, "Freend, I'll thank you for a dram.

13 examples of  freend  in sentences