4064 examples of grains in sentences

" Sitting in the shade of the poop, they opened the box, which was filled with fine dull-yellow grains.

INGREDIENTS.Calf's head, boiling water, bread crumbs, 1 large bunch of parsley, butter, white pepper and salt to taste, 4 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 1 tablespoonful of lemon-juice, 2 or 3 grains of cayenne.

INGREDIENTS.The remains of cold roast fowl, vinegar, salt and cayenne to taste, 4 minced shalots, yolk of egg; to every teacupful of bread crumbs allow 1 blade of pounded mace, 5 teaspoonful of minced lemon-peel, 1 saltspoonful of salt, a few grains of cayenne.

A teaspoonful of made mustard, a saltspoonful of salt, a few grains of cayenne, mixed with a glass of port wine, are sometimes poured into the goose by a slit made in the apron.

About 200 grains of common salt are required daily by an adult, but a large proportion of this is in our food.

The most important proteid vegetable foods are those derived from the grains of cereals and certain leguminous seeds, as peas and beans.

The grains when ground make the various flours or meals.

The unit of heat, called a calorie, or gramme-degree, is the amount of heat which is necessary to raise one gramme (15.43 grains) of water one degree centigrade (1.8 degrees Fahr.).

ng makes vegetables and grains softer, loosens their structure, and enables the digestive juices readily to penetrate their substance.

Improved varieties of fruits, grains and vegetables have been produced in this manner, and with animals marvelous results have been achieved.

The sand was of grains of gold, and my keel slid through them without jar or sound.

A warm bath, however, remaining in bed the whole day, buried in blankets, abstaining from all food, a few grains of calomel at night and copious libations of rice gruel the next day restored me completely to health; and after a séjour of four days at Lyons, I was enabled to proceed on my journey to Clermont on the 14th March.

When they wish to catch any of these wild-fowl, they go into the water with their heads covered each with a calabash, in which they make two holes for seeing through; they then swim towards the birds, throwing a handful of maize on the water from time to time, the grains of which scatter on the surface.

Protose is prepared from the best grains and nuts, and is perfectly cooked.

They are prepared by a certain roasting and grinding process from various grains, so that their source is both simple and wholesome.

Gleaning the papers in search of that which is really useful, candid, and fair seems too much like hunting for grains of wheat in a chaos of chaff.

It was furnished by Alcalde Boggs and General Vallejo, who had been called away privately two weeks earlier, and had just returned in a state of great enthusiasm, declaring that gold, "in dust, grains, and chunks had been discovered at Coloma, not more than a day's journey from Sutter's Fort.

The homeless, who in the evenings found comfort and cheer around grandma's table, would take out their treasure bags and boxes and pour their dust and grains of gold in separate piles, to show the quality and quantity, then pass the nuggets around that all might see what strange figures nature had moulded in secret up among the rocks and ravines of the Sierras.

The effect is usually produced in two hours, and lasts four or five; the dose varies from three grains to a drachm.

I saw one old man take four pills, of six grains each, in the course of two hours; I was told he had been using opium for five-and-twenty years; but this is a very rare example of an opium eater passing thirty years of age, if he commence the practice early.

I commenced with one grain; in the course of an hour and a half it produced no perceptible effect, the coffee-house keeper was very anxious to give me an additional pill of two grains, but I was contented with half a one; and another half hour, feeling nothing of the expected reverie, I took half a grain more, making in all two grains in the course of two hours.

I commenced with one grain; in the course of an hour and a half it produced no perceptible effect, the coffee-house keeper was very anxious to give me an additional pill of two grains, but I was contented with half a one; and another half hour, feeling nothing of the expected reverie, I took half a grain more, making in all two grains in the course of two hours.

After two hours and a half from the first dose, I took two grains more; and shortly after this dose, my spirits became sensibly excited; the pleasure of the sensation seemed to depend on a universal expansion of mind and matter.

On Sundays and the fiestas of the Valencian saints who for Uncle Caragol were the first in heaven,San Vicente Mártir, San Vicente Ferrer, La Virgin de los Desamparados and the Cristo del Graowould appear the smoking paella, a vast, circular dish of rice upon whose surface of white, swollen grains were lying bits of various fowls.

He inspires Their balmy odours, and imparts then hues, And bathes their eyes with nectar, and includes In grains as countless as the sea side sands The forms with which he sprinkles all the earth.

4064 examples of  grains  in sentences