4691 examples of intervals in sentences

Now, because Sequoia trunks are never wholly consumed in one forest fire, and those fires recur only at considerable intervals, and because Sequoia ditches after being cleared are often left unplanted for centuries, it becomes evident that the trunk remnant in question may probably have lain a thousand years or more.

It lasts, however, only a few seconds, vanishing with magical rapidity, to be succeeded by others along the fire-line at irregular intervals for weeks at a timetree after tree flashing and darkening, leaving the trunks and branches hardly scarred.

But at rare intervals warm rains and warm winds invade the mountains and push back the snow line from 2000 feet to 8000, or even higher, and then come the big floods.

Should there be a bar on board the steamer, it will be the duty of the gentlemen of the party to keep serving the ladies with cool beverages from it at brief intervals during the trip.

Perhaps it was in his nature at rare intervals to want one particular person so terribly, to pine and die for someone!

CHAPTER XXII Another Side of Bruce Ever since his earliest youth, Bruce had always had, at intervals, some vague, vain, half-hearted entanglement with a woman.

The scraps of merry talk which had floated to her at intervals during the earlier stages of the waiting were no longer heard.

The Colonel at intervals poured small doses of O'Flynn's whisky down the Boy's throat in spite of his unbecoming behaviour, for he was both belligerent and ungrateful, complaining loudly of the ruin of his clothes with only such intermission as the teeth-c

But Joe's attention was wholly occupied in hauling Anna back to the village, maltreating her at intervals by the way.

On the Boy went in the ghostly starlight, running, stumbling, calling at regular intervals, his voice falling into a melancholy monotony that sounded foreign to himself.

Apart from partial snow-blindness, which fell at intervals upon the Colonel, the tiredness of the eyes was like a special sickness upon them both.

Maudie was still crying at intervals, and advertising to the newcomers that wealth she had hitherto kept so dark, and between whiles she stared fixedly at Butts, as conviction of his guilt deepened to a rage to see him suffer for his crime.

In the intervals while waiting for a train to pass, we played a 'listening' game, listening to what sounds we could hear.

With sobs breaking in at intervals upon his voice, and the rain-drops hanging on his eyelids, he yet returned to the charge.

It began when night fell, and continued, at intervals, till day broke.

By intervals a single syllable, "Lord!

But it was only at rare intervals that I went home.

He knew nothing of the joys arising from a sense of pardon; but, on the contrary, for the greater part of that time, and with very short intervals of hope towards the end of it, took it for granted that he must in all probability quickly perish.

Again: "Versification is a measured arrangement of words[,] in which the accent is made to recur at certain regular intervals.

"Of every species of beauty," says this author, "and more especially of the beauty of sounds, continuousness is the first element; a succession of pulses of sound becomes agreeable, only when the breaks or intervals cease to be heard."

"A deathlike paleness was diffused over his countenance; a chilling terror convulsed his frame; his voice burst out at intervals into broken accents.

After a glorious but terrible struggle Plevna, followed at short intervals by other strongholds, fell, the peace preliminaries were signed, and Prince Carol returned to Bucarest at the head of his victorious army.

It has had chances in the Holy Cities at intervals, and for longer periods in the Yemen.

So he established sentinels at regular intervals within hearing of one another, and messages were shouted from one to the other.

In 1840 he devised a magnetic clock and proposed a plan by which many clocks, located at different points, could be set at regular intervals with the aid of electricity.

4691 examples of  intervals  in sentences