29 examples of milkweed in sentences

He has vast fields of milkweed that his helpers harvest for him in exchange for their housing, food, and the occasional game of quoits.

Indeed, his milkweed is the best in all the land.

It is chocolate milkweed, and it is as smooth as Chinese silk.

I have been following the wartfrogs and sneaking an occasional taste of any chocolate milkweed pods that they overlooked.

Indeed, the chocolate milkweed was the most delicious thing Graham had ever tasted.

You are welcome to take any milkweed you want or to help yourself to any of my other crops.

"Thank you so much!" When Jeanne-Marie returned to the little clearing where she had left Graham, she brought him several milkweed pods, as well as a few cookies she had picked from the bushes around the base of MacDonald's rock.

She must only be out to get his milkweed!

He felt certain that he had formulated a plan by which they would be able to save Telly from the Witch, and he had run into the milkweed fields to find her.

Also, you may have as many milkweed pods as you can carry.

In dusty pods the milkweed Its hidden silk has spun; The sedges flaunt their harvest In every meadow nook, And asters by the brookside Make asters in the brook; From dewy lanes at morning The grapes' sweet odors rise; At noon the roads all flutter With yellow butterflies By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer's best of weather And autumn's best of cheer.

In June the leaning towers of the white milkweed are jeweled over with red and gold beetles, climbing dizzily.

This is that milkweed from whose stems the Indians flayed fibre to make snares for small game, but what use the beetles put it to except for a displaying ground for their gay coats, I could never discover.

A forlorn bird here and there made a thin piping, as it flitted homelessly amid the bleached long grasses, and the frail silk of the milkweed pods came floating along ghostlike on the evening breeze.

The gentian's bluest fringes Are curling in the sun; In dusty pods the milkweed Its hidden silk has spun.

In the foreground were blue Raspberry-stems, yet bearing greenish leaves,pale-yellow Witch-Hazel, almost leafless,purple Viburnum-berries,the silky cocoons of the Milkweed,and, amid the underbrush, a few lingering Asters and Golden-Rods, Ferns still green, and Maidenhair bleached white.

Asters began to open lavender stars at the door-stone of Applegate Farm; tall rich milkweed pressed dusty flower-bunches against the fence, and the sumach brandished smoldering pyramids of fire along the roadsides.

We are the asters by the door, and burnished goldenrod in the orchard; trumpeting honeysuckle on the fence, sumach burning by the roadside, juicy milkweed by the gate.

The bluff was decked with great bunches of a scarlet variety of the milkweed, like cut coral, and all starred with a mysterious-looking dark flower, whose cup rose lonely on a tall stem.

" Sea Milkweed.

Why they do not simply push the strange egg out, we do not know, but instead of that they often fly off for milkweed fibres and silk to make a new nest right on top of the first one, shutting the hateful egg out of sight underneath.

So, when the dew began to fall, there arose from them a heady brew, distilled from blossoming milkweed and fruiting wild raspberry canes and mountain laurel and dried pine needles.

There grew the tasseled milkweed with its bursting silken pods, And the stately, waving branches of the yellow goldenrod; The mullein stalk and asters, with teasels growing dense, God's garden, in the angle of the stake-and-rider fence.

Stretching its dusty length along, it soon broadens out as if glad to escape from its cramped quarters, and glides under the wide spreading branches of a California buckeye, which stands kneedeep in the beautiful clarkia, with its rose-pink petals, and wand-like stalks of the narrow-leaved milkweed, with silken pods bursting with fairy sails ready to start out on unknown travels.

The poison ivy is there, though what they wanted of that is hard to tell, and the four-o'clock, the pokeweed, the milkweed, the pearly everlasting, and the potato, which was then (1732) classed as a rare plant.

29 examples of  milkweed  in sentences