233 examples of musingly in sentences

" "And yet it is curious," Mrs. Sprague continued, musingly, "it is we who are warring for an idea and you are warring for property.

" "So he had doubts of his success," said Washington musingly.

" "A daughter, eh," said Louise, musingly.

She seems like such a dear kindly old lady," said Louise, musingly.

" "Louise seems a capable girl," declared Aunt Jane, musingly.

He tapped the pencil against his teeth, musingly, for a moment, and then wrote down the amount.

"We've all got a weak spot," he said, musingly.

" "Just the same," commented Dave musingly, "I know quite well that Belle has set her heart on seeing me serve in the Navy with credit.

By the way, that Wegg history seems both romantic and unusual," she said, musingly.

" Louise gazed at the man musingly.

" "We haven't any positive proof at all, yet," observed Patsy, musingly.

" "Y-es," said Howard, musingly, "there is an atmosphere of mystery and romance about your esteemed parent, Sir Stephen Orme, which smacks of the Arabian Nights, my dear Stafford.

Sir Stephen looked after him musingly, and seemed to forget Howard's presence; then suddenly his face flushed and his eyes shone with a curious mixture of pride and tenderness and the indomitable resolution which had helped him to fight his "wild beast."

Remember?" "Let's see," said Luke musingly.

" "I expect Goldstein will dock my salary, as well as fine Flo," remarked Maud musingly, as she waited for her hat and coat.

" "Perhaps," said Patsy musingly, "we might build two theatres, in different parts of the city.

" "He seemed in earnest," said Maud, musingly.

" "Pearls, eh?" said Arthur, musingly.

" "Neither do I," said Gregson musingly.

He wouldn't be a bad person to go to," he added musingly, "if one had got himself into a real impasseor what looked like one.

He was not speaking for effect now: he seemed scarcely even to be speaking to her, rather to be musingly formulating something for his own enlightenment.

he said musingly, as he had said everything else that afternoon: and as she positively paled at the eeriness of this echo from her own thought, he went on, his voice vibrating in the deep organ note of a great moment, "You must know, of course, by this time that I care everything possible for you.

repeated Hermione musingly, as she seated herself on the sofa, and took up a book that was before her on the table; mechanically removing her bonnet from her head, and laying it down by her side as she spoke.

" "Aurora is indeed foolish," musingly ejaculated the Mother.

he continued musingly, and then suddenly burst into chuckles, and nudged Brock in the ribs.

233 examples of  musingly  in sentences