5745 examples of nes in sentences

They called it Kial-Ar-Nes (Keel Cape).

I die, I wis, for thy wounden: So sorrowful death nes never none."

I love the cries of lig-bar-ri The nes-i calling for their prey; And leaping of the na-a-li That fly in wildest fear away.

[Footnote 5: "Lig-bar-ri," hyenas] [Footnote 6: "Nes-i," lions]

In 1564 a second party, under Laudonnière (lo-do-ne-ar'), landed at the St. Johns River in Florida, and built a fort called Fort Caroline in honor of Charles IX. of France.

Correct the division of the following proper names: "He-len, Leo-nard, Phi-lip, Ro-bert, Ho-race, Tho-mas;Ca-ro-line, Ca-tha-rine, Da-ni-el, De-bo-rah, Do-ro-thy, Fre-de-rick, I-sa-bel, Jo-na-than, Ly-di-a, Ni-cho-las, O-li-ver, Sa-mu-el, Si-me-on, So-lo-mon, Ti-mo-thy, Va-len-tine;A-me-ri-ca, Bar-tho-lo-mew, E-li-za-beth, Na-tha-ni-el, Pe-ne-lo-pe, The-o-phi-lus."Murray: ib., p. 98-101.

Correct the division of the following words by Rule 2d: "oy-er, fol-io, gen-ial, gen-ius, jun-ior, sa-tiate, vi-tiate;am-bro-sia, cha-mel-ion, par-hel-ion, con-ven-ient, in-gen-ious, om-nis-cience, pe-cul-iar, so-cia-ble, par-tial-i-ty, pe-cun-ia-ry;an-nun-ciate, e-nun-ciate, ap-pre-ciate, as-so-ciate, ex-pa-tiate, in-gra-tiate, in-i-tiate, li-cen-tiate, ne-go-tiate, no-vi-ciate, of-fi-ciate, pro-pi-tiate, sub-stan-tiate.

Tenie sot a sparrer-hawk fer ter watch de tree; en w'en de woodpecker come erlong nex' mawnin' fer ter finish his nes', he got gobble' up mos' 'fo' he stuck his bill in de bark.

ter call a hawnet fum a nes' unner her eaves.

Aun' Peggy had sont a sparrer, w'at had a nes' in one er de trees close ter her cabin,

A hen had built a nes' right on top un 'im, en' it had half-a-dozen aigs in it.

And still, with a rigor the superbest yet because the new tune was so perfect to march by, fell the unshaken tread of the cannoneers, and every onlooker laughed and wept and cheered as the brass rent out to the deafening drums, and the drums roared back to the piercing brass, De black-snake love' de blackbird' nes', De baby love' his mamy's bres', An' raggy-tag, aw spick-an'-span, De ladies loves de ladies' man.


William Hamilton Nes (A); 26Jan56; R163595.

M. J. Nelson (A); *; R395462. NES, EVALYN STEFANSSON.

Evalyn Stefansson Nes (W); 29Aug66; R392358. STEFANSSON, VILLIJALMUR.


William Hamilton Nes (A); 26Jan56; R163595.

M. J. Nelson (A); *; R395462. NES, EVALYN STEFANSSON.

Evalyn Stefansson Nes (W); 29Aug66; R392358. STEFANSSON, VILLIJALMUR.

Plusurs en ai oi conter, Nes voil laisser ne oublies, &c. Plusurs le me ant conte et dit Et jeo l'ai trove en escrit, &c She confined herself to these subjects, and the event justifies her choice.

Mockers don' nes' in de woods and wild places, dey allus keeps roun' de plantations near where folks libs.

He war crafty like and on'y took one outen each nes' and at night de ole birds never miss 'em.

Sometimes If I couldn't fin no dirt dobber nes I would git a spider web and make a tea den giv dis or else jes shake de baby by de heels.

Dey fed' em wasp-nes' bread, 'stead o' corn-pone an' hoe cake, an' all such lak.

5745 examples of  nes  in sentences