46 examples of physical health in sentences

" To meet the threatening rebellion, a Health of Munition Workers Committee under the Ministry of Munitions was appointed to "consider and advise on questions of industrial fatigue, hours of labor and other matters affecting the physical health and physical efficiency of workers in munition factories and workshops."

Let it be understood that every one, male or female, rich or poor, learned or ignorant, is expected to qualifynot in the whole programme, but first of all and as far as humanly possible in the primary condition of physical health and development, and then after that in some one, at any rate, of the above-mentioned or similar tradesso that in case of general need or distress he can do something of use.

And it isn't merely a question of a child's physical health.

Mathieu could obtain no further information respecting either his physical health or his morality.

Doctor Parkes, having attentively listened to the narrative, and satisfied himself as to the physical health of his patient, was still sorely puzzled as to the probable issue of the awful struggle already but too obviously commenced between the mind and its destroyer in the strange case before him.

Change of occupation is necessary to mental and physical health.

If it is worry and not work that breaks down the mental and physical health of the well, how much more important is it that the minds and bodies of the sick should be kept at rest, free from worry and excitement!

Perhaps it is the lowest of the qualities of an orator, but it is, on so many occasions, of chief importance,a certain robust and radiant physical health,or, shall I say?

No one of the senses is more often allied with robustity of physical health.

" We notice a last result of the child's residence now, or visits afterward to the country, and the sports in which he indulgedthe superb physical health and strength which remained unshaken afterward by all the hardships of war.

The ruddy appearance which characterized him from first to last was the result of the most perfectly-developed physical health, which no species of indulgence had ever impaired.

But though our agricultural population, in spite of their poverty and hard work, live longer and enjoy better physical health than our town-workers, there are few who would deny that the town-workers are both better educated and more intelligent.

[Footnote 2: "Read in the light of what we know of his long struggle, his frail physical health, his sensitive temper, his crushing double defeat at the hands of death, these somber verses have an individual, personal note, hardly present, perhaps, in the love-poems, with all their passionate beauty."

Their splendid physical health was beginning to break down.

Physical health is essential to mental vigour if it is to come to manhood.

It was clear, rich, massive, of extraordinary compass, and yet full of all the graceful ease, the audacious frolic, of perfect physical health, and strength, and beauty; had there been a trace of effort in it, it might have been accused of "bravura:" but there was no need of effort where nature had bestowed already an all but perfect organ, and all that was left for science was to teach not power, but control.

The majority of public duties in this country do not require robust, physical health, or exposure to what is base or unhealthy; and when those duties are imposed upon anybody they will be imposed only upon such persons as are fit for them.

By happiness I mean freedom from terrible anxiety and from pervading depression of spirits, the consciousness that we are filling our place in life with decent success and approbation, religious principle and character, fair physical health throughout the family, and moderate good temper and good sense.

The pure air and the tranquillity of the life, as well as its simplicity, and a certain amount of boating exercise which I went through every day in going to my subject, brought me to the highest point of physical health I had ever known.

However, notwithstanding his deceptions and troubles, Thomas Roch's physical health, thanks to his vigorous constitution, was not particularly affected.

First of all, now, I see you are in good physical health and quite vigorous,a state which is by nature a blessing to mankind,and next that you have provisions in sufficiency so as not to hunger or thirst or be cold or endure any other unpleasant experience through lack of means, a second circumstance which any one might naturally set down as good for man's nature.

But physical health could not account for half of this sunshine.

This chronic state of lack of nourishment ... accounts in part for the fact that there are two and sometimes three persons affected in the same family."[10] Has mental as well as physical health been affected?

The "system" muddled the boy's brains, confused his ideas, and cramped his mind; but, as far as his physical health was concerned, the new kind of life acted on him beneficially.

" Basic to this federal structure would be the Jeffersonian assumption: "That government governs best which governs least", with an amendment: "provided that the authority in question governs sufficiently to establish and maintain physical health, social decency, order, justice and mercy in reasonable proportions throughout the area subject to its jurisdiction".

46 examples of  physical health  in sentences