38957 examples of playing in sentences

Its success in Paris has been what the good folks there call magnifique, and playing the devil has been the theatrical order of day and night since the Revolution.

It was more like a few hundred in its Portuguese days specially towards the fag end of playing the role of being the "only Portuguese language daily published in Asia".

One can question his obvious strategy of playing on minority fears and building up a minority psychosis.

This experience has led me to believe that a local newspaper which ignores rural news content will be as effective as an orchestra playing music before a deaf audience.

And what is the seed which remains in that man, and keeps him from playing the coward?

They delight in playing at being this person and that, and in living for a while in a day-dream.

So by continually playing at religion, we shall deceive ourselves.

They was playing.

They were playing the fifes and beating the drums.

And they were playing the fiddle.

Yes sir, they were playing the fiddle too.

The white people's yard was jus' full of them playing 'Yankee Doodle' and 'Hang Jeff Davis on a Sour Apple Tree.'

One day they was playing hiding round.

Chase checked a hysterical impulse to laugh aloud at the proceedings; it was like playing at a children's game.

"Perhaps she is playing with it herself," said her mother.

The children were playing as usual in the gardens of the Tuileries, and their white-capped nurses were sewing and chatting in the shade of the scorched trees.

But like the dead bodies of the Frenchmen and the Englishmen who lay quite close, they had been done to death by the villainy of statecraft and statesmen, playing one race against another as we play with pawns in a game of chess.

My little boy amused himself by playing canes (hop-scotch), and my daughter was very cheerful.


United States Playing Card Co. (PWH); 23Mar64; R334225.

Some of the children smiled back to him, and nodded cheerfully to Dolly, lifting up their dolls for her to see, and calling to her to listen to the pretty tunes their musical boxes were playing.

She smiled for a minute or two, holding Beppo's ear between her failing fingers, and playing with it.

Three out of her own four children were playing in the lane, otherwise there was no one about.

Ow do you know as he wouldn't leave it to them poor innercents'she waved her hand tragically towards the children playing in the road'if we was just a bit nice and friendly with him now 'ee's gettin old?

She remained helpless and sobbing, unconscious of the passage of time, one hand playing incessantly with a child's comforter that lay beside her on the table, the other wiping away the crowding tears.

38957 examples of  playing  in sentences