94 examples of prop. in sentences

Meantime she is dead to me, and I miss a prop.

Lib. de lib. prop.

With God the ground of his action is the same as the ground of his existence; God's power and his essence coincide (I. prop.

To be self-caused means to exist necessarily (I. prop.

We must not assert of the natura naturata (the world as the sum of all modes), as of the natura naturans, that its essence involves existence (I. prop.

Thus the famous proposition results; Ordo et connexio idearum idem est ac ordo et connexio rerum (sive corporum; II. prop.

The destruction of contingent and perishable things is effected by external causes; no one is destroyed by itself; so far as in it lies everything strives to persist in its being (III. prop.

This endeavor (conatus) is termed will (voluntas) or desire (cupiditas) when it is referred to the mind alone, and appetite (appetitus) when referred to the mind and body together; desire or volition is conscious appetite (III. prop.

For reason there are no distinctions of persons,she brings men into concord and gives them a common end (IV. prop.

Adequate ideas conceive their objects in union with God; thus the pleasure which proceeds from knowledge of, and victory over, the passions is accompanied by the idea of God, and, consequently (according to the definition of love), by love toward God (V. prop.

The foundation of virtue is the effort after self-preservation: How can a man desire to act rightly unless he desires to be (IV. prop.

Virtuous action is equivalent to following the guidance of the reason in self-preservation (IV. prop.

"Twisted columns, for instance, are undoubtedly ornamental; but, as they have an appearance of weakness, they displease the eye, whenever they are used to support any massy part of a building, or what seems to require a more substantial prop."Id.

Able or ible, prop. application of, how far determined from Lat. etymol.

of of a common with a prop.

Hebrew letters, some account of; names, characters, and significations of whether they are, or are not, all consonants, long a subject of dispute The Hebrew names for the months, were prop.

what kind of rules for, have been given by writers the rising and the falling, to be used with prop.

Numbers, abstract, expressions of multiplication in, ("Twice one IS two," "Twice two ARE four," &c.,) seven different opinions of grammarians respecting, examined by BROWN; who determines the prop.

Parts of speech, meaning of the term: Parts of speech, named and defined: what explanations may aid learners to distinguish the different: why needful that learners be early taught to make for themselves the prop.

Prop. name, with def. art.

noun personified Prop. names of individuals, strictly used as such, have no plur.

name, how made plur., and how then considered when they form a plur., how form it of persons, generally designate their sex Prop. name, in appos.

that BLAIR'S incorrect remarks respecting Which, as rel. or interrog., declined Which, sometimes takes whose for its poss., represents a prop.

Beginning first at the foundation, the preacher must prove, "Prop. I. That the Snow is fitly resembled to Wool.

The least expensive kind of a vineyard is that which brings wine to the jug without the aid of any sort of prop.

94 examples of  prop.  in sentences