111 examples of prudes in sentences

The audience must indeed have been qualmish prudes.

The dissenting malcontents, condemned as prudes and blues, had their revenge.

For while she makes her silk-worms beds With all the tender things I swear, Whilst all the house my passion reads In papers round her baby's hair, She may receive and own my flame; For though the strictest prudes should know it, She'll pass for a most virtuous dame, And I for an unhappy poet.

Let there be some quirk or weakness elsewhere in the chain of hormones, and instead of the successful woman, behold the spinsters, the maiden aunts, the prudes and cranks who never satisfactorily adapt themselves in society.

CHAPTER IV: AN 'INGLORIOUS MILTON' Argemone, sweet prude, thought herself bound to read Honoria a lecture that night, on her reckless exhibition of feeling; but it profited little.

Thus prudes, by characters o'erthrown, Imagine that they raise their own.

Here are neither coquettes nor prudes.

Ladies that can resolve to make love thus extempore, may pass unobserved, especially if they can content themselves with low life, where fear may oblige their favourites to secrecy: there wants only a very lewd constitution, a very bad heart, and a moderate understanding, to make this conduct easy: and I do not doubt it has been practised by many prudes beside her I am now speaking of.

Mrs. Behn suffered enough at the hands of supercilious prudes, who had the barbarity to construe her sprightliness into lewdness; and because she had wit and beauty, she must likewise be charged with prostitution and irreligion.

Of the medley of characters in the poem, poet-princes in disguise at the college, violet-hooded lady principals, "With prudes for proctors, dowagers for deans, And sweet girl-graduates in their golden hair," it is Lady Psyche's child that is the true, effective heroine of the story, as Dr. Dawson aptly points out.

All such admirers of great and noble sentiments, spoiled by romances or by prudes, make it a point of honor to spiritualize their passion.

But if an agreeable Height, a modest Air, a Virgin Shame, and Impatience of being beheld, amidst a Blaze of ten thousand CharmsThe whole Room flew outOh Mr. Triplett!When Mrs. Lofty, a known Prude, said she believed she knew whom the Gentleman meant; but she was indeed, as he civilly represented her, impatient of being beheldThen turning to the Lady next to herThe most unbred Creature you ever saw.

Mr. SPECTATOR, I am one of that sort of Women whom the gayer Part of our Sex are apt to call a Prude.

What a coarse drab is Molly Seagrim, when juxtaposited with the princess of all prudes, the indomitably virtuous Pamela!

33 The ghostly prudes, with hagged face, Already had condemn'd the sinner: My Lady rose, and with a grace She smiled, and bid him come to dinner, 34 'Jesu-Maria!

The sweeter and more loving natures become prudes; the more shallow as well as the more high-spirited and merry natures become flirts.

Then, though there were all kinds of girls in the class, merry, sentimental, practical, coquettish, prudes, there was no kind, he felt, whose heart he could not touch.

But hang all prudes, say I,' he withdrew reluctantly, and slowly closed the door on her.

On that point we are enlightened by Maximilian Prinz zu Wied, who found that these women were anything but prudes, having often two or three lovers at a time, while infidelity was seldom punished (I., 531).

There are Men of Wit in all Conditions of Life; and mixing with these People at their Diversions, I have heard Coquets and Prudes as well rallied, and Insolence and Pride exposed, (allowing for their want of Education) with as much Humour and good Sense, as in the politest Companies.

Florella desires to know if there are any Books written against Prudes, and intreats me, if there are, to give them a Place in my Library.

There would be no such Animals as Prudes or Coquets in the World, were there not such an Animal as Man.

Providence 120, 237, 293, 441, 543 Prudence 293 Prudes at the play 208 Psalm xxiii.

" "Do they not offend you?" "Oh, I am no prude" "Do you mean to say Sir Lupus sanctions it?"

A little jesting on the part of your guardian, my dear girl, should meet with a very different reception, and handsome women must submit to compliments with a good grace, or run the risk of being called prudes or viragos.

111 examples of  prudes  in sentences