Do we say remark or remarque

remark 4711 occurrences

" "I experience daily," said Mr. H., "the truth of that remark.

Riemer was acquainted with the topic, and made the remark that, according to the table of contents given above, not only could poems be made, but that the same motives had been already used by the Germans, without any knowledge that they had been treated in Servia.

" I was struck by this remark, which was new to me.

" "And we see," said I, "his relations to all the great and mighty of the world, and remark with pleasure the distinguished position taken by himself, inasmuch as he seems to feel himself equal to the highest, and we never find that any majesty can embarrass his free mind even for a moment.

" AfterwardsI do not recollect in connection to whatGoethe made the following important remark: "All that is great and skilful exists with the minority.

"There is more ill-will towards me hidden beneath that remark than you are aware of.

Sir George Jessel might have been surprised, had he been in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, on the following day, and had seen it filled with men and women, quiet looking, well dressed, and respectable, and had heard the cries of 'Shame on him!' which rang round the hall, when his brutal remark was quoted.

The remark, however, displeased her, making her feel uneasy, and she did not notice his rejoinder, smiling his pleasure and content"Except yourself and our bank account, my dear."

" For she thought her husband referred to her remark about the Bible, and not to her judgment of the scientific men.

It is needless to remark that we took care, this time, to be provided with something at once substantial and carvable.

Our visitor, however, took up the remark, and seemed quite willing to talk about it.

Your remark, that slippers for elephants could be made, only they would not be slippers, but boots, convinces me that there is a branch of your family in Ireland.

Of course, I need not remark that my congratulations are like fine old Portonly finer, and older!

It is worthy to remark that of the 460 cases reported by the marshals for prosecution but 22 were prosecuted, the penalties having been voluntarily paid in 303 cases, and in 118 cases having been remitted, thus preventing by a previous examination 421 suits."

The time is not unworthy of remark.

Was in a big squeeze the other night coining out of the Opera and overheard Lady Mary Clarges remark to her pretty daughter, "What a crush!"

Presently Miss Heydinger came out of the specimen room and addressed a remark to the young man.

" The camel bowed very low and the groups round laughed and made the obvious remark about the beauty and the beast.

A girl named Marion Cloud, considered the second best belle of Toledo, changed the gist of the situation by a remark she made to Betty.

It was noticeable that the man had not once called an acquaintance by name or made the first remark.

It seemed that he was running for some purpose and Gething thought of Willet's often repeated remark, "Look at 'imold Cuddy, he's thinking."

" "He's grown much more robust," continued Gedeonovsky, looking as if he had not heard Marfa Timofeevna's remark; "his shoulders have broadened, and his cheeks are quite rosy.

And Dave larfed over it, and thought it 'powerful cute' in her, as he said in his Hoosier lingo;" and Jim accompanied this last remark with a patronizing look at Gray.

It should furthermore be rememberedthough the remark is perhaps strictly beside, or rather beyond, the pointthat where the incongruous elements are not fundamental, it is always possible that they might have been removed had the play undergone revision.

[405] The remark is Rossi's, and, though strongly controverted by Carducci, appears to me absolutely true.

remarque 135 occurrences

SEE Diamond, William, ed. REMARQUE, ERICH MARIA.

Erich Maria Remarque (A); 7Mar55; R145646.

Art Publication Society (PWH); 27Jan58; R207529. REMARQUE, ERICH MARIA.

Erich Maria Remarque (A); 6Mar58; R210016.

Erich Maria Remarque (A); 6Jun58; R215982.

Erich Maria Remarque (PWH); 6Jun58; R215981.

Erich Maria Remarque (A); 21Feb58; R209148-209156.

Erich Maria Remarque (PWH); 7Nov66; R397200-397198.

SEE Remarque, Erich Maria.

SEE Remarque, Eric.

SEE Remarque, Eric.

SEE Remarque, Erich Maria.

REINHEIMER, HOWARD E. For entries claimed by Howard E. Reinheimer as executor of the author SEE Riggs, Lynn. REMARQUE, ERICH MARIA Im Westen nichts neues.

Erich Maria Remarque (A); 12Dec55; R160723.

Erich Maria Remarque (A); 12Dec55; R160722.

Art Publication Society (PWH); 27Jan58; R207529. REMARQUE, ERICH MARIA.

Erich Maria Remarque (A); 6Mar58; R210016.

SEE Remarque, Eric.

SEE Remarque, Eric.


© 23Nov40; A146884. Oliver L. Reiser (A); 23Aug68; R440992. REMARQUE, ERICH MARIA.

Erich Maria Remarque (PWH); 1Nov68; R447372. RENICK, JAMES.

Mais cette démarche n'étoit de la part de l'empereur, ainsi que le remarque la Brocquière, qu'une opération politique dictée par l'intérêt, et qui n'eut aucune suite.

J'en ai fait la remarque dans mon discours préliminaire.]

Toutes cinq sont bien garnies d'artillerie. J'y ai remarqué sur-tout trois bombardes de métail (canons de bronze) dont deux étoient de deux pièces, [Footnote: La remarque que l'auteur fait ici sur ces trois canons sembleroit annoncer que ceux de bronze étoient rares encore, et qu'on les regardoit comme une sorte de merveille.

Do we say   remark   or  remarque