55324 examples of return in sentences

The loss of a leg or arm was to be recompensed by a sum of £30 on return to England, and employment for life under the Company.

One of them threw down his sword, which was carried to Boone, who, on return to Bombay, ordered him to be broke at the head of the garrison.

A desultory bombardment was continued for some days, and some shots were fired against Colaba; but Kennery was now well provided with ammunition, and could return two shots for every one fired by the Bombay squadron.

Their return seems to have been hastened by the appearance of Angria's fleet from Gheriah, which had Bombay for a time at its mercy.

Three times the Morrice got under way, and three times had to return, before she could start on her return voyage to Europe.

Three times the Morrice got under way, and three times had to return, before she could start on her return voyage to Europe.

On his return to Bombay, the renegade was put in irons, and shipped off to St. Helena.

The time had come for him to return to England.

Mannajee invoked the aid of the Peishwa, who compelled Sumbhajee to raise the siege, and received the Angrian forts of Koolta and Rajmachee in return, while Mannajee proclaimed his allegiance to the Peishwa, and henceforth was secure under his protection.

The Portuguese, incensed against Mannajee, who had broken his promises to cede them certain districts in return for their assistance in capturing Colaba, joined hands with Sumbhajee Angria against him.

Ballajee Bajee Rao was obliged to return to Satara, and Sumbhajee was allowed to retreat, after making peace with the Mahrattas.

Watson, in return, demanded that Toolajee should be made over into English custody.

Cowse's suspicions were aroused, and he advised an immediate return to Anjengo, but Gyfford refused to take the advice.

The Rani also sent a message, advising a return to Anjengo.

Bowen,, pirate, commands the Speedy Return.

Green,, pirate, takes the Speedy Return; hanged.

Speedy Return, the, pirate ship, commanded by Bowen.

The passengers hurried below, to return in coats and caps to meet the wind that blows from China, and the second officer and the surgeon came by, talking animatedly.

Gradually the passengers took on character, and out of the first welter of contacts came those definite impressions which are almost always right and which, though we modify them or reverse them by acquaintance, we return to finally.

He had failed to bring a necessary certificate, or something of the sort, and the inexorable laws of three Christian countries had sent him wandering, so that it was inevitable he must return to China by the route he had come.

From Ben, Beatrice gained a certain strength of outlook as well as depth of insight, but she gave him in return more than she received.

I finished the knot at last, and then said, stupidly: "I have an idea I should return to my worthy guests down-stairs,'" Antony smiled.

" "May I come again to-nightto return La Rochefoucauld?"

When he was sober enough and not engaged with his military duties, Augustus went to see her, and if she happened to be unkind to him he vented his annoyance upon me on his return.

Stuart N. Lake (A); 24Apr59; R235701. LAMB, KATHARINE. Return to yesterday.

55324 examples of  return  in sentences