236 examples of ruses in sentences

They translated into prose imitations of the tales such as those of the book of Patronis, borrowing from the general chronicles or in translations like the "Kalila and traditions, legendary or historic, as they found them in the Dimna," or the book of "The Ruses of Women," in verse.

Ah!" he added, "you haven't any idea of their ruses.

His frequent absences from home at night, which were hailed by the Prefect as certain aids to his success, I regarded only as ruses, to afford opportunity for thorough search to the police, and thus the sooner to impress them with the conviction to which G, in fact, did finally arrivethe conviction that the letter was not upon the premises.

" Once outside, Mathieu resolved that he would try no ruses with her.


The ruse, however, got wind, and the decree of the 14th of June was the consequence.

Félicité would invariably thwart their ruses and they held her in great respect.

Well, in future do me a favour and leave me out of your foul ruses.

" Mr. Killibrew moved down the aisle of his store between fragrant barrels and boxes, laughing mellowly at old Aunt Becky's ruse, as he saw it.

You say that Madame la Presidente is not very shrewd, and consequently incapable of such a ruse.

art, artifice; device, machination; plot &c (plan) 626; maneuver, stratagem, dodge, sidestep, artful dodge, wile; trick, trickery &c (deception) 545; ruse, ruse de guerre

art, artifice; device, machination; plot &c (plan) 626; maneuver, stratagem, dodge, sidestep, artful dodge, wile; trick, trickery &c (deception) 545; ruse, ruse de guerre

It seems the invitation of one section was a ruse.

Messieurs, we are the victims of a very clever ruse.

To be sure, he did once by a ruse seize and make prisoners a few of the latter, but it was his own people whom he wasted most, striking some of them down individually and butchering others en masse.

Tug did not put into play the whole strength of his eleven, but practised cautiously, and instructed his team in the few ruses Clayton seemed to be fond of.

On sait jusqu'à quel point Molière se méfiait des femmes, et comment il s'est amusé de leurs ruses pour tromper leurs maris.

ARIELZARD, C. Les ruses de Medge, par Georges Lemierre, pseud.

ARIELZARD, C. Les ruses de Medge, par Georges Lemierre, pseud.

It is in the poems of Chandi Das, however, that Krishna's most daring ruses are described.

"Sir," rejoined Vieilleville, "to fear that this master sheriff, whose name is Tallanges, might possibly do you a bad turn, is to wrongly estimate his own competence, who never put his nose anywhere but into a bar-parlor to drink himself drunk; and it is also to show distrust of the excellent means you have for preventing all the ruses and artifices that might be invented to throw your service into confusion."

Secondly, I found it odd that the spy-hunters, after employing so many ruses and so much camouflage that one might say they almost refused to recognise their own reflections in a mirror, should proceed to the opposite extreme and arrange all their plans, with engaging frankness, over the telephone.

Il fut sublime; il prit, mêlant la force aux ruses, Le Caucase aux

Trained in all the ruses of his profession, he was of that school which believes civilization is to be measured by artifice; and success lost some of its value, when it had been effected by the vulgar machinery of truth and common sense.

mais à la guerre la fortune est changeante, et malgré votre esprit et vos ruses, le sort de monsieur de Flavigneul est encore entre mes mains; oui, grâce à ces dépêches que m'envoie monsieur le maréchal, je puis forcer le fugitif, en quelque lieu qu'il soit, à se remettre lui-même en mon pouvoir!

236 examples of  ruses  in sentences