14846 examples of shoulder in sentences

The two operations might be going on at the same time without thwarting, as the sun's two motions (earth's I mean); or as I sometimes turn round till I am giddy, in my back parlor, while my sister is walking longitudinally in the front; or as the shoulder of veal twists round with the spit, while the smoke wreathes up the chimney.

Dear Miss Wordsworth,I had just written the above endearing words when Monkhouse tapped me on the shoulder with an invitation to cold goose pie, which I was not bird of that sort enough to decline.

He had proceeded but a short distance, however, when he fell from his horse and broke his ribs and dislocated his shoulder, whereat he cried, "Ai, ai!"

Gratton alone; Gratton looking back over his shoulder more often than he quested far ahead; Gratton in a mad attempt to make haste where haste was impossible.

He must make haste Her words cleared his bewilderment away; he glanced again over his shoulder.

He clutched her shoulder with a great claw of a hand and drew her closer to him, his face thrust down to hers.

Brodie put a heavy hand on his shoulder and jerked him back, hurling him to one side.

It's up there" "No wonder she wanted to skip out," jeered Steve Jarrold, his great bony hand locked about Gloria's shrinking shoulder.

With a swift gesture his gun was at his shoulder.

A hard hand gripped her shoulder, jerking her to her feet.

Benny came up and touched Brodie on the shoulder.

He fired again, not putting the rifle to his shoulder.

But you don't have to be in the scouts" The fellow they called Reggie just came over and put his hand over my shoulder, awful nice.

" Betty looked over her shoulder as she wrote down their names.

And it is a strange beast we have for emperor!" "Be careful!" Sextus glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Scylax followed closely and prevented any one from overhearing.

A more dishonest man would let it rule itself and claim the credit, whereas you would give the praise to others, who would shoulder off the work and all the blame on to you.

She placed a thin and bony hand upon his shoulder.

In her excitement Psyche let a drop of burning oil fall from the lamp upon his right shoulder.

A vast concourse assembled there, and the prince set his beloved lady on the horse, and pretending incantations, leapt suddenly upon its back, turned the peg, and as the enchanted steed flew towards Persia, over his shoulder cried the glad prince: "When next, O sultan, thou wouldst marry a princess who implores thy protection, ask first for her consent.

He usually understands English, too, and those who can not are remarkably accurate guessers, and all take a friendly interest in your inquiries instead of giving you a short answer and a cold shoulder like the policemen in our cities.

Looking at her more closely, you would see under her right arm a common blackboard, such as is used in schools, and over her shoulder a canvas bag containing lumps of chalk, and you would say: "A little eccentric; likes to write on the blackboard instead of talking. Would make a nice wife.

" "It would serve you right if they bayonetted you;" and she added emphasis to her expostulation by planting her chignon between my shoulder-blades with terrific force.

From the actions of his white partner, I surmised that Holman's bullet had struck him in the left shoulder, and the surmise proved true.

" The youngster gave a grunt, turned his head till he managed to wipe the mud and blood from his eyes upon my shoulder, then he peered at the silent three.

If there were only six native dancers upon the island at the opening of the conflict in the Cavern of Skulls, we had reduced that number to one, while the bullet in Leith's shoulder would depreciate his fighting ability for some time.

14846 examples of  shoulder  in sentences