261 examples of somber in sentences

After the six months of comparative seclusion which decency exacted of his widowerhoodand thereby afforded him ample leisure to complete and publish his Lichfield Legislative Papers prior to 1800the colonel, be it repeated, went everywhere; and people found him no whit the worse company for his black gloves and the somber band stitched to his coatsleeve.

The great cluster of red roses, loosely held, was like blood against the somber gown.

" When Anderson rose to reply it was seen that he was pale and somber.

If that icy and somber wind could have been traced to its source, then the mystery of life would have been clear.

The darkness of the sky fused into a murky gray, and as that somber tone began, in turn, to be replaced by a lighter neutral tint, she made out dimly the figure of the girl.

It is this that is the essence of the problem of Population, portrayed in somber hues more than a hundred years ago by Malthus.

Three dramatists: John Webster (1602-1624), Cyril Tourneur (1575?-1626), and John Ford (1586-1640?), had a love for the most somber tragedy.

It was late in the afternoon of a hot July day, the hottest day Paris had known that year (1907) and M. Coquenil, followed by a splendid white-and-brown shepherd dog, was walking down the Rue de la Cité, past the somber mass of the city hospital.

It was true, Coquenil's look had deepened into one of somber reminiscence.

A strange and pathetic figure she was, sitting there alone in the somber church.

For all of which reasons the present somber happening had particular importance.

" He glanced a moment at the Lebanon looming gaunt and somber through the gathering dusk.

It was ever somber, yet its dusky beauty stirred him more than any richness he had seen in bright cities.

They were dark, lovely eyes, rather somber now in their earnestness, seeming shadowed by the dark shadows of the spruce themselves.

It was enough to carry the weight of one's somber reflections without the addition of cheerful queries of the movie-man as to "how would you feel if the German gunners suddenly turned loose again?" We gathered in a deal of stone ornaments that had been shot down and struggled with a load of them to our car.

Undaunted by the despair of others, she looked straight into the eyes of the somber gate-keeper and, with every art, told the story of Robert le Marchand, brave young officer of France; of his American girl and his deep longing for her.

But instead of that somber ending, here she was, warm, radiant and laughingdoubly precious by the trials through which she had passed and the death from which she had been delivered.

Herbert Rippinghall was dark and grave, his dress somber in hue, but good in material and well made.

Upon their way north they were joined by more than one band of Cavaliers marching in the same direction, and passed, too, several bodies of footmen, headed by men with closely-cropped heads, and somber figures, beside whom generally marched others whom their attire proclaimed to be Puritan preachers, on their way to join the army of Essex.

Webster had an intense and somber genius.

The style kindles slowly into a somber eloquence.

I stepped into this perfectly silent room, of a very silent house, with a peculiar foreboding; and its darkness, and solemn clothing of books, for except where two narrow looking-glasses were set in the wall, they were everywhere, helped this somber feeling.

Dominique Raffin, dressed in somber black, went to the club alone and unattended save by Miss Aphrodite Tate.

soft gray sky, like the breast of a dove; sheeny gray sea with gleams of steel running across; trailing skirts of mist shutting off the mainland, leaving Light Island alone with the ocean; the white tower gleaming spectral among the folding mists; the dark pine tree pointing a somber finger to heaven; the wet, black rocks, from which the tide had gone down, huddling together in fantastic groups as if to hide their nakedness.

And I had never loved him as now, when he finished this appeal, and turned away to the window, gazing out upon the somber woodland.

261 examples of  somber  in sentences