380 examples of viola in sentences

There were no such last-year relics in the flat-woods, so far as I remember, but spring blossoms were beginning to make their appearance there by the middle of February, particularly along the railroad,violets in abundance (Viola cucullata), dwarf orange-colored dandelions (Krigia), the Judas-tree, or redbud, St. Peter's-wort, blackberry, the yellow star-flower (Hypoxis juncea), and butterworts.

As night advances, the cakes grow sweeter and the dances livelier, and the pretty national dances are at last introduced; though these are never seen to such advantage as when the peasants perform them on a Saturday or Sunday evening to the monotonous strain of a viola, the musician himself taking part in the complicated dance, and all the men chanting the refrain.

This plan for disposing of the public lands impairs no principle, viola

The ship Viola, bound for the port of Naples, lay at the wharf, the passengers were all hurrying on board, the flags were flying, and all wore the joyous aspect of a vessel outward bound.

R67422. Song for a viola d'amore.


Viola Paradise (A); 15Nov54; R140137.


Viola Meynell (A); 1Nov55; R159479.

Viola Wissler (W); 10Dec56; R182357.

GARVIN, VIOLA GERARD, tr. Eva. SEE Chardonne, Jacques.

Row, Peterson & Co. (PWH); 26Mar58; R211404. GOLDEN, JOHN. Stage struck John Golden, by John Golden and Viola Brothers Shore.

© violin, 27Sep30, AA53204; B flat clarinet, cornet, 12Nov30, AA54921-54922; C melody saxophone, B flat tenor saxophone, E flat alto saxophone, oboe, viola, 28Nov30, AA55761-55765; violin obbligato, cello, trombone t.c., trombone b.c., E flat alto, 9Dec30, AA57201-57205; bassoon, E flat bass, flute, bass, horns in F, drums, 19Dec30, AA5754-1-57546.


Viola Brothers Shore (A); 3Jul58; R217103.

<pb id='390.png' /> WYCKOFF, VIOLA.

© 5Jan39; A125670. Viola Simmons (W); 15Nov66; R397338. SIMMONS, VIOLA.

© 5Jan39; A125670. Viola Simmons (W); 15Nov66; R397338. SIMMONS, VIOLA.

Book no.2: Viola.

d' Aminta Iscolorite in leggiadri modi, Che viola non è che impallidisca Si dolcemente, e lui languir fatto, Che parea già negli ultimi sospiri Esalar l'alma; in guisa di Baccante Gridando, e percotendosi il bel petto, Lasciò cadersi in sul giacente corpo, E giunse viso a viso, e bocca a bocca.

110 Viola montana Mountain Violet c.m. 111 Tabernamonta Amsonia Alternate-leaved Taberna montana 112 angustifolia Narrow-leaved ditto l.s. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA.

VIOLA tricolor.

VIOLA odorata must not be passed over among our favourite native flowers.

He often took part in the concerts at the palace, as upon a certain occasion when "Duke Albert played violin, the Elector viola, and Countess Belderbusch piano-forte," in a trio.

He played his organ still,the instrument which was then above all others to his taste; he entered the Orchestra as player upon the viola; received the appointment of chamber-musicianpianistto the Elector; and besides all this, engaged in the detested labor of teaching.

380 examples of  viola  in sentences