260 examples of whetting in sentences

The fine-eared poet may hear the whetting of my scythe.

but he has his horrid eye upon us, and is whetting his infernal feathered dart every instant, as you see him truly pictured in that impressive moral picture, "The good man at the hour of death."

Schreiermeyer presented her with a bronze statuette of Shylock whetting his knife upon his thigh.

We would stand a moment in the shade, whetting our scythes, not saying much, but glad to be there together.

Such men lack that moral hardening and whetting which is obtained only amid the vicissitudes of a home; they are not actively and continuously engaged in the employment and detection of chicane; want of intimate association with a woman and some children begets in them a soft and simple way of believing what is said to them.

And then such a whetting of steel!

Ah, if scythes are whetting, the reapers will soon be harvesting the golden grain!

You have doubtless often seen a domestic cat whetting its claws on the mat, or scratching some rough substance, such as the bark of a tree; this is often done to clean the claws, and to get rid of chipped and ragged pieces, and it is sometimes mere playfulness.

He mowed down harvests of evil as in his youth he mowed the grass, and all his hours of study were but whetting the scythe.

We often find entries like these: "11 d. paid to the barber,""4 d. for whetting penknife,"and "1s.

Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, was described as "the great wild boar from the forest of Lebanon, and he roused up his spirit, and I saw him whetting his dreadful tusks for the battle."

In the same chamber with her are the following statues: the extremely beautiful Apollino; the spotted Faun; the Rémouleur or figure which is in the act of whetting a sickle.

Every poor Quidnunc now condemns The Tunnel underneath Old Thames, And swears, his science all forgetting, Friend Brunel's judgment wanted whetting; 'Tis thus great characters are dish'd, When they get wetter than was wish'd, Brunel to Gravesend meant to go Under the water, wags say so, And under that same water put His hopes to find a shorter cut;

At least, ought he not to be contented to leave me to my fate, the perilous and uncertain condition of an escaped felon, instead of thus whetting the animosity and vigilance of my countrymen against me?

The dry dish swims; one skilful dash with the knife on each side, the victim is severed in three parts, streaming with richness, and whetting the appetite to absolute greediness.

Some remnant of that old fire of inspiration flamed up within him as he lay on the hard bed in his little room, with the summer scents floating in and the out-of-doors sounds,a woman's voice calling a child afar off, the lowing of cattle, the rhythmic whetting of a scythe-blade, the echoing strokes of an axe, the mellow fluting of a robin,all coming to him a little muted, as if he were no longer in the world.

On our way we fell in with the foresters, who were going a deer-stalking; they had a buck to kill for the duke, so we joined company, and gave that satisfactory shrug of the shoulders, with the expectation of sport, that a spider would feel while sitting in the corner of a hollow nut-shell, and seeing his victim already entangled in his web, while he was whetting his appetite with suspended hope, in dream of anticipated fattenings.

Whet, whetted or whet, whetting, whetted or whet.

It chastises him Through me, the instrument of his ambition; And I expect no less than that Revenge E'en now is whetting for my breast the poinard.

But the great difficulty in these attempts to cure inebriety is in satisfying the mind, and in whetting the blunted resolutions of the patient; and this is, doubtless, more easily accomplished by a gradual abstraction of his favourite potations.

It would, indeed, be proper to address you to-day, also, on this same parable, and to enter the lists with those heretics who censure the Old Testament, bringing accusations against the patriarchs, and whetting their tongues against God, the Creator of the universe.

And for new generations was hammering chains; When whetting those terrible weapons, her eyes, To Jenny, her handmaid, in anger she cries, "Careless creature!

Each vessel bears a deadly freight; Each Viking, fired with greed and hate, His axe is whetting for the strife, And counting how each Christian life Shall win him fame in Skaldic lays, And in Valhalla endless praise.

[Footnote C: Dengle-Geist, literally, "Whetting-Spirit."

The dull sound of sharpening those pencils was like the whetting of the executioner's knife.

260 examples of  whetting  in sentences