8 examples of wretchedest in sentences

I've said all I have to say about the trouble which has come into my family; but if another repetition of the same things will help to convict that scoundrel who has broken up my home and made me the wretchedest dog alive, then I'm ready to talk.

Fill this maiden with burning love for the ugliest, wretchedest creature that lives on earth.'

Up we crept, accordingly; and a few steps brought us to the top of the staircase, over the kitchen, where we found the wretchedest little sleeping-chamber in the world, with a sloping roof under the thatch, and two beds spread upon the bare floor.

said I, why I'm now drown'd in tears, Who am wont in sham pain to lose real; And could pull my own house down, about my own ears For lack of amusements ideal; But plays, concerts, shopping, Di'ramas so bright, That enlarge the pent mind at a view, Are fled with my friends; I'm the wretchedest wight

This was the wretchedest moment in his career.

I am the wretchedest of living men. HEDWIG.

A houn' that ain't happy at best, he's melancholy; an' a houn' that ain't allowed to run free is of all critters the wretchedest.

This settlement at St. Annie's is the remotest on the whole plantation, and I found there the wretchedest huts, and most miserably squalid, filthy and forlorn creatures I had yet seen herecertainly the condition of the slaves on this estate is infinitely more neglected and deplorable than that on the rice plantation.

8 examples of  wretchedest  in sentences