11 examples of y's in sentences

"There are three instruments; an excellent transit instrument of six and a half inches' aperture, resting on its y's of solid granite.

Of what use will a's and b's and x's, y's and z's ever be to me?" "Constance, you know that's nonsense," Bobby told her.

An examination of the results of observations had made me dissatisfied with the bearings of the horizontal pivots in their Y's.

Mr Simms, at my request, changed the bearings in Y's for bearing in segments of circles, a construction which has worked admirably well in the pivots of the Transit Circle.

You feel obliged to ask the X's, the Y's, and the Z's from duty, and so you do.

I became the more determined to make M-y's acquaintance, the more difficult it seemed.

" The next day I was domesticated in M-y's house.

Now, however, I remark simply, that the gossip and strange stories and incidents and other et ceteras told of him proved to be ridiculous creations, with scarcely a shadow to rest on, having their inception in M-y's peculiarities,peculiarities which originated from an entire and absolute independence of thought and manner and conduct.

h=ope f~or p~ost=er~it~y's pr=aise.

In this groove move two rollers, which, in the center of the piece that connects them, carry two brass T-squares that are parallel with each other and at right angles with the first, or parallel with the axis of the Y's.

And the foreigner we have always with us, to mix his Y's and J's, distort his H's, and play havoc with the Anglo-Saxon Th.

11 examples of  y's  in sentences