Which preposition to use with awkwardness

of Occurrences 71%

Olympia had ended her search in the basket and fastened a glance of satiric good humor upon the culprit, which did not tend to relieve the awkwardness of the moment.

in Occurrences 21%

To the perception of his keenly sensitive Southern nature they at once became ribald Yankee vandals, hoping for unseemly amusement from the detection of some awkwardness in the Indian-club-play of a defeated but not conquered Southern Gentleman; and, in the haughty sectional pride of his contemptuous soul, he indignantly determined to show not the least consciousness of their disrespectful observation.

with Occurrences 2%

" The awkwardness with which I performed this duty had its effect in amusing and cheering her; and the look of happiness and trust had come back to her countenance before the veil concealed it.

at Occurrences 2%

I must own that my friend's house at Marblehead was rather a shabby old affair, and he has been brought up in the plainest way; yet he does not show the least awkwardness at our elegant table, but has the air of one quite accustomed to luxury.

on Occurrences 2%

Each felt his inferiority; with pride on the one hand, and awkwardness on the other, for Clerambault knew that in many essential respects he was inferior to the intelligent workman.

among Occurrences 1%

With a villager's awkwardness among crowds, he made his way to a German shipping-office.

about Occurrences 1%

And though it sounded like a burlesque of that famous passage, and though she limped more than ever as she reeled to an imaginary shrine in the corner, and though the black wig was slightly askew by now, and the black velvet hung with bunchy awkwardness about her skinny little body, there was nothing of mirth in Sid Hahn's face as he gazed.

than Occurrences 1%

He made a frantic clutch at the air, and really did almost go over the side, but it was due more to his own awkwardness than to anything else.

to Occurrences 1%

She was not thinking of the awkwardness to her of this unexpected encounter.

under Occurrences 1%

I have heard that stiff people lose something of their awkwardness under high ceilings and in spacious halls.

by Occurrences 1%

Eve relieved his awkwardness by directing Pierre, with her eye, to hand a chair, and first speaking.

Which preposition to use with  awkwardness