Which preposition to use with jone

in Occurrences 2%

When I got Jone in the bath-chair, with the buggy-top down, and his pipe lighted, and his hat cocked on one side a little, so as to look as if he was doing the whole thing for a lark, I called another chair, not caring what sort of one it was, and then we told the men to pull us around for a couple of hours, leaving it to them to take us to agreeable spots, which they said they would do.

at Occurrences 2%

" Just at that moment I heard somebody calling my name, and looking through the house I saw Jone at the front door and two men behind him.

with Occurrences 2%

" The woman looked at Jone with a venerative uplifting of her eyebrows.

about Occurrences 1%

" I couldn't agree altogether with Jone about our trying to do better than other people, but I said that as the British had been kind enough to make their country free to us, we wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth unless it kicked.

out Occurrences 1%

The perlice tells us that if she's found here, they'll know it fust, an' they'll telegraph to us wherever we is; an' if it wasn't fur nuthin' else, it would be a mercy to git Jone out of this place.

to Occurrences 1%

"Boy," said Jone to him, as if he was hollering to a stubborn ox, "go order me a four-in-hand.

by Occurrences 1%

The instant he said this I half jumped up, and, seizing Jone by the arm, I cried, "Don't you remember?

Which preposition to use with  jone