Which preposition to use with preliminaries

to Occurrences 133%

Sinners, preliminary to being plunged into the fiery furnace, are laid out on these beds and wrapped in damp sheets by chambermaids regularly attached to the establishment.

of Occurrences 72%

Finally all the preliminaries of the contest were arranged.

for Occurrences 7%

"He is doubtless wondering if we are arranging the preliminaries for the desperate encounter for which we were booked.

of Occurrences 4%

CHAPTER XII REPORT OF COMMISSION ON LEAGUE OF NATIONS The Commission on the League of Nations, over which President Wilson presided, held ten meetings between February 3 and February 14, on which latter day it submitted a report at a plenary session of the Conference on the Preliminaries of Peace.

in Occurrences 2%

The President was anxious to have the Treaty, even though preliminary in character, contain detailed rather than general provisions, especially as to the League of Nations.

with Occurrences 2%

Having thus adjusted all necessary Preliminaries with my Reader, I shall not trouble him with any more prefatory Discourses, but proceed in my old Method, and entertain him with Speculations on every useful Subject that falls in my Way.

as Occurrences 2%

The suspicions of the states-general seem fully justified by the dubious tone of the various communications, which avoided the direct admission of the required preliminary as to the independence of the United Provinces.

at Occurrences 2%

Her object was soon explained, and the preliminaries at once adjusted, and by the hands of this singing-girl she secretly sent some food to Barzú, in which she concealed a ring, to apprise him of her being near him.

before Occurrences 2%

She could measure his mood by the preliminaries before his disclosure.

into Occurrences 1%

With scarcely a pause Nap turned to Violet Shirley, who was seated on his right, and plunged without preliminary into a gay flirtation to which all the world was at liberty to listen if it could not approve.

outside Occurrences 1%

Not a single antecedent event has to be narrated to us; for the mere fact that Antonio has been uncivil to Shylock, and shown disapproval of his business methods, can scarcely be regarded as a preliminary outside the frame of the picture.

over Occurrences 1%

Sir Peter concluded to dine with his friend, in order to settle preliminaries over the bottle by themselves; the young men and their mother being engaged to their uncle the duke.

through Occurrences 1%

Our authorities on taking over a town or village do all the preliminaries through M. le Maire, and all goes well.

from Occurrences 1%

This "Chapter Preliminary" he printed and circulated, in advance of the publication of his book; and though it contains not a single fact in support of his theory, nor even any clear statement of the theory itself, he was rewarded, as he expected, with puffs preliminary from a portion of the press, prompt to recognize the merit of a gentleman who had something to sell, and consequently something to be advertised.

between Occurrences 1%

"Mr. Wallingford," he said, "there is little need of preliminaries between you and me.

Which preposition to use with  preliminaries