5 Verbs to Use for the Word amanuensis

And now there is an old gentleman who wants an amanuensis.

" "If I had appointed you my amanuensis, and had transferred my pencil to you simply for the purposes of your labor in my behalf, when I choose to dismiss you, I should expect the return of my property.

There had, since that, been a correspondence as to much of which Mr. Scarborough had been forced to employ an amanuensis.

" This last line, which was not meant for the world (but little would Pym have cared though it had been printed), usually brought his employers to their knees; and then, as Tommy advanced in experience, came the pickingsfor Pym, with money in his pockets, had important engagements round the corner, and risked intrusting his amanuensis with the writing of the next instalment, "all except the bang at the end.

The plan had been put before him in manuscript For the mechanical part of the work Johnson employed, as he told me, six amanuenses.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  amanuensis