10 Verbs to Use for the Word habent

18, every man hath a good and a bad angel attending on him in particular, all his life long, which Jamblichus calls daemonem,) preferments, losses, weddings, deaths, rewards and punishments, and as Proclus will, all offices whatsoever, alii genetricem, alii opificem potestatem habent, &c. and several names they give them according to their offices, as Lares, Indegites, Praestites, &c.

Angli suos ac sua omnia impense mirantur; caeteras nationes despectui habent.

vascula plena multae infelicitatis omnem mariotorum opulentiam in haec inpendunt, dracones pro monilibus habent, qui utinam vere dracones essent.

Their hot and dry brains make them they cannot sleep, Ingentes habent et crebras vigilias (Arteus) mighty and often watchings, sometimes waking for a month, a year together.

non tam laboriosi ut Belgae, sed ut Hispani otiatores vitam ut plurimum otiosam agentes: artes manuariae quae plurimum habent in se laboris et difficultatis, majoremque requirunt industriam, a peregrinis et exteris exercentur; habitant in piscosissimo mari, interea tantum non piscantur quantum insulae suffecerit sed a vicinis emere coguntur.

Angli suos ac sua omnia impense mirantur; coeteras nationes despectui habent.

And 'twas well said of the poet of old, "Vine causeth mirth and grief," nothing so good for some, so bad for others, especially as [4320]one observes, qui a causa calida male habent, that are hot or inflamed.

et respondens Jesus dixit ad illos, Non egent qui sani sunt medico sed qui male habent.

Verbo non exprimunt, nec opere, sed alta mente recondunt, et sunt viri prudentissimi, quos ego saepe novi, cum multi sint sine timore, ut qui se reges et mortuis putant, plura signa quidam habent, pauciora, majora, minora. 2599.

Literatos dixi: nam ceteri qui sunt sacri patrimonii helluones, sine scientia, sine sapientia, satis habent, ut dracones stare juxta arcam Domini."

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  habent