7 Verbs to Use for the Word partisanships

Notwithstanding such preparation, the value of his History is impaired, not only because he sometimes displays partisanship, but also because he fails to appreciate the significance of underlying social movements.

Add to all this, that our valiant hero is now on the straight road to bring him into that situation most likely to engage the warm partisanship of a true woman,namely, that of a man unjustly abused for right-doing,and one may see that it is ten to one our Mary may fall in love with him yet, before she knows it.

We forgive the partisanship for the sincerity of the partisan.

A natural organizer, a hard worker who found his greatest joy in his daily tasks, a fearless and lucid writer who yet knew how to keep his cause out of the rancorous politics that often enough seemed to mistake partisanship for patriotism, he was the most modest of men.

Macaulay had certainly provoked his retaliation, and we may notice here the same eager partisanship of Church and State, pervading even his personal malice.

I regret sometimes their partisanship at elections, their speeches at public dinners.

As the result of this concession he, in 1650, shared the imprisonment of the Princes de Condé and de Conti; but having recovered his liberty during the following year, he renounced all partisanship, and died peaceably in 1663.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  partisanships