66 Verbs to Use for the Word plough

He had no fortune, he brought with him only his constant faithfulness, and the fraternity which had sprung up between himself and Gervais during the many seasons when they had ploughed the estate like a span of tireless oxen drawing the same plough.

"Well, I'm not particularly clever, but I've got sense enough to count sheep and drive cows; and I can break in colts, train dogs, and, if I'm obliged, I daresay I could drive a plough.

The peasant woman harries the dog that strains at the market cart, her husband harries her as she helps the cow drag the plough, the petty officer harries the peasant when he is a raw recruit, and the young lieutenant harries the petty officer, and so it goes up to the highest,a well-planned system on the part of the superior to bring the inferior to a high point of material efficiency.

The people in the fields worked with greater energy, and the bright scarlet hoods of the damsels, many of whom followed the plough, gave a pleasant colouring to an animated scene.

The husbandman who held his own plough and fed his own cattle was the greatest man of the age.

His hand guides the plough, and the plough his thoughts, and his ditch and land-mark is the very mound of his meditations.

The ploughman leaves his plough, and the shepherd leaves his flock, and the farmer leaves his thrashing, to follow us; in every field we cross we get fresh blood, while those who join us at the start fall off by degrees.

"Or if it be thy will and pleasure Direct my plough to find a treasure.

Making and inventing new ploughs will pay, but not books. 9th.

Also one has to constantly keep one's eye on the bullocks to direct them to turn around at the end of the field and to lift the plough when it reaches a bund.

Accordingly the next morning father and son took out the ploughs and the boy asked where they should plough, and the father said that they would plough down the field of goondli.

[B] Whether the whistling Rustic tend his plough Within thy hearing, or thy head be now Pillowed in some deep dungeon's earless den; O miserable Chieftain!

The latter is a prickly straggling tree, called the bhyre; the wood is very hard, and is often used for making ploughs.

I helped Guru plough about half a dozen fields and even now when the rainy season approaches I remember that experience with warmth and pleasure.

The quick-witted superintendent was equal to the occasion, and, starting the ponderous machine, soon managed to run foul of a protruding rock and break the plough.

" 'The swearing ploughman that I watched this morningdriving his plough through old pastures and swearing at the horse"Dang ye! Darned old hoss!

I know, on the other hand, that there were; I know that there were planters, who introduced the plough upon their estates, and who much to their Honour granted similar indulgences, premiums, and permissions to those now mentioned, previously to this great event.

On either side of this lay fields of the kind already described, one of which was in course of cultivation, and here I saw the ploughs of which my companion had spoken.

When we ourselves employ the plough, when we bestow a little care on the soil which teems with life, what prodigious crops there are, an abundance of grain such as your barns could never hold!

"Look at the foolish fellow," quoth the captain, "carrying his plough to the field on his shoulder!" "Sir," said the Portuguese, coolly, "I have no other way to take it there.

[Illustration: WOMAN POWER CERES: "Speed the plough!" PLOUGHMAN: "I don't know who you are, ma'am, but it's no good speeding the plough unless we can get the women to do the harvesting.

If any State in the Union is adapted to agriculture, and the various branches of rural economy, such as stock-raising, wool-growing, or fruit-culture, it must surely be Illinois, where the fertile natural meadows invite the plough, without the tedious process of clearing off timber, which, in many parts of the country, makes it the labor of a lifetime to bring a farm under good cultivation.

"May its fields not know the plough nor nourish the herds that overrun it.

"Now will ye laugh at me snow plough?

Frederic Barbarossa destroyed Milan to its foundations, when it attempted to resist his imperial encroachments by the league of independent cities; and led the plough over the smoking ruins.

66 Verbs to Use for the Word  plough