3 adjectives to describe redeemers

You know that you need a divine Redeemer; you know that you need the divine pardoning of your sins; you know that you need the supernatural and divine cleansing of your hearts; you know that you need the divine, unbreakable promises; you know that you need this Word, and the way to salvation set forth in this Book of God, by which you know that there is none other name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved.

But his son, the boy on whom he had grounded his fondest hopesthe redeemer destined to raise the House of Brull to its loftiest glorythe future "personage" in Madrid, the fondled heir-apparent, who had found his pathway already cleared for him at birthwas throwing all his father's labors through the window, the way you toss overboard something it has cost you nothing to earn!

Miramon said, "Yes, Manuel, these portents have marked your living thus far, just as they formerly distinguished the beginnings of Mithras and of Huitzilopochtli and of Tammouz and of Heracles" "Yes, but what does it matter if these accidents did happen to me, Miramon?" "As they happened to Gautama and to Dionysos and to Krishna and to all other reputable Redeemers," Miramon continued.

3 adjectives to describe  redeemers