10 adjectives to describe smock

Both mother and daughter were dressed in rough brown smocks, with narrow green belts falling loosely,strange garments to Eric.

Would I be as free as in this little old brown smock?" The Beautiful Wicked Witch raised her hands in horror.

" Again, in the Epistle to Martha Blount: "As Sappho's diamonds with her dirty smock; Or Sappho at her toilet's greasy task, With Sappho radiant at an evening mask.

" So saying, Beltane tightened his belt, drew on his hood of mail and laced it close, and turning, found Sir Fidelis close by to aid him with the hooded smock; and Beltane wondered to see him so pale and his slender hands a-tremble.

It was a loose smock or tunic, reaching nearly to the knees, and held in at the waist by a broad belt, from which hung the tomahawk and scalping-knife.

Both mother and daughter were dressed in rough brown smocks, with narrow green belts falling loosely,strange garments to Eric.

Pick up little articles of dress, tools, furniture, especially from low lifeas an actual smock, &c. 9.

The coppersmith, the blacksmith, the cobbler, the woodcarver, the goldsmiths in their yellow smocks, must be just as they were, and certainly the cellars and caverns under the big houses in which they work have not changed.

The women are clad in a coarse smock onely reaching to their knees, and hauing long sleeues hanging downe to the ground.

and from under his be-dabbled smock he drew forth a head, pale as to cheek and hair, whose wide eyes stared blindly as it dangled in his hairy hand; and now, staring up at this awful, sightless thingthat brow at whose frown a city had trembled, those pallid lips that had smiled, and smiling, doomed men and women to torment and deatha hush fell on Belsaye and no man spoke or stirred.

10 adjectives to describe  smock