10 adverbs to describe how to crooned

It was the Pedlar, who had wrapped himself in his gaunt arms and was crooning softly, with unspeakable joy: "Hark to him sing!

"The Great Lakes and Canadian Southern," he crooned lovingly.

But in the mean time we shall commit the error of supposing that History does nothing but repeat itself, fretfully crooning into the "dull ear" of age a twice-told tale, if we do not allow for the modifications amid which the primitive impulses find themselves at work.

If he was cross, they had but to lay him on the grass in the garden and put a daisy in his hand, and he would croon happily over it for hours.

An old Mohammedan crooned eerily, impressively, a lament which echoed round and round the vault.

So in we went and stood in the crowd To hear the old clock as it crooned aloud, With sound and symbol, the only tongue The maker taught it while yet 't was young.

" By the hearthstone warm and bright Sits the mother crooning low; Ah!

And as Kaviak, in spite of instructions, began to bawl, the Boy began to do a plantation jig, crooning monotonously: "'Grashoppah sett'n on de swee' p'tater vine, Swee' p'tater vine, swee' p'tater vine; Grasshoppah'" He stopped as suddenly as he'd begun.

Here, from about 4 p.m. till long after sunset, you may see the Shirázi taking his rest, undisturbed save for the ripple of running water, the sighing of the breeze through the branches, and croon of the pigeons overhead.

An old Mohammedan crooned eerily, impressively, a lament which echoed round and round the vault.

10 adverbs to describe how to  crooned  - Adverbs for  crooned