8 adverbs to describe how to skirmish

The French kept well together and skirmished so cleverly that they were soon within a bow-shot from Servode, when the "landsknechte" of the Prince of Hainault rushed forth in close ranks from their ambush, and at the word of command from Bayard charged the Venetians, who were astounded.

About sunne set we were ouer against the hilles of Antiueri in Sclauonia, in the which hilles the Venetians haue a towne called Antiueri, and the Turkes haue another against it called Marcheuetti, the which two townes continually skirmish together with much slaughter.

Perro, the dog, had been excitedly skirmishing round, keeping clear of the horse's heels and doing little else.

Ferguson moved rapidly from place to place, breaking up the bodies of armed whigs; and the latter now and then skirmished fiercely with similar bands of tories, sometimes one side winning sometimes the other.

Three kittens skirmished joyfully in the excelsior, waylaying one another in ambush and springing out with bits of the yellow fibers clinging to their woolly soft fur.

She had the conviction that he was merely skirmishing, testing the strength or weakness of the line he hoped to penetrate.

The next morning we fought a swaying battle in front of Rheims, and for some few following mornings we skirmished about painlessly in the same vicinity.

Accordingly, he began to skirmish with the English so successfully, as obliged the Lord Percy to quit Carrick.

8 adverbs to describe how to  skirmish  - Adverbs for  skirmish