106 Metaphors for doctored

The doctors are the best in Paris.

But the doctor you sent over is that kind and cute he's got the little fellow a-fightin' for his life.

In course she didn't mean you, sir, seein' as doctors an' clergymen ain't nobodyleastways nobody to speak onand I'm sure I beg your pardon, sir, but my meanin' is as they ain't them as ain't to be told things.

The grave doctor was a boy at his fireside.

But, by the way, doctor, did you know to-day was Christmas?

The Doctor was a philosopher, a metaphysician, a philanthropist, and in the highest and most earnest sense a minister of good on earth.

The doctor was one day in this gentleman's library, when his eye was caught by the title of "Stephens' Greek Thesaurus."

You be paltrie Jacke knave, by garr: de doctor is nicast, de doctor is rage, de doctor is furie, be gar, the doctor is horrible, terrible furie.

"This young doctor must be a fine fellow," he said.

"Jack, a doctor is a confessor of men!

The good Doctor was a Ghost, as actual and authentic as heart could wish; well-nigh a million of Ghosts were travelling the streets by his side.

"There, Doctor," sobbed Carl, who had approached him, tremblingly, "is my crime; and growing out of it is my other and greater crime.

The doctor was the medical attendant of Colonel Graeme, and this gave him means of working upon his conscience; and I know they have been at this work for a time.

Perhaps, Doctor, perhaps, as you say, there is some such explanation.

As the old Doctor was his counsellor in sickness, and almost everybody's confidant in trouble, he had intended to impart cautiously to him some hints of the change of sentiments through which he had been passing.

In an important sense the Scholastic doctors were the teachers of Luther and Bacon.

There is an era coming when the doctor will be a prehistoric creature.

" The young doctor had long since become Larry to Ruth.

The doctor who has charge of the case is a Major Templeton, an irritable person and, like most of the English, too big a fool to deceive anybody.

A good doctor is an absolute necessity on an exploring expedition in such a country as that we were in, under penalty of a frightful mortality among the members; and the necessary risks and hazards are so great, the chances of disaster so large, that there is no warrant for increasing them by the failure to take all feasible precautions.

The learned doctor is now one of the "dons" of the university,at that time, even more than now, a great dignitary.

" "Yes," said Willie; "but though the doctor were a bad man, his medicines might be good.

A doctor who finds out what's the matter with a man Providence is trying to lay in the gravewhat can it be but the devil?" He had reached his subject; as he worked he talked itreligion, its folly, its silliness, its cruelty, its ignorance, its viciousness.

" "Doctor, were I your wife, are there not people who would caress me as a white woman who would shrink from me in scorn if they knew I had one drop of negro blood in my veins?

" [Footnote I: Mr. White cites Dr. Richardson, but the Doctor is not always a safe guide.]

106 Metaphors for  doctored