7 Metaphors for realisms

Realism is, indeed, far to seek in the brief but intricate tissue of incidents that made the novel of 1728.

But realism, which gives to Dutch art so original a stamp and such admirable qualities, is yet the root of its most serious defects.

Realism is the note of it.

The reason why such realism is bad art is not because the details are untrue, but because the proportion is wrong.

It is only when the methods of art have become self-conscious that realism can become an end in itself.

There is little naturalness in the extravagant passion of the second story, but until sensationalism cloyed the public palate, realism was an unnecessary labor.

REALISM, as opposed to Nominalism, is the belief that general terms denote real things and are not mere names or answerable to the mere conception of them, and as opposed to idealism, is in philosophy the belief that we have an immediate cognition of things external to us, and that they are as they seem.

7 Metaphors for  realisms