27 collocations for toled

"I tole yer so, Dab," groaned poor Dick.

You tole the ole cuss in plain words what we've bin a- thinkin' fer a coon's age.

"Nobody tole me dat.

I tole my daughter we fared ten thousand times better than now.

The slave never been free since he come to dis world, didn't know nuthin bout freedom till they tole em bout it.

Nex' mawnin' he tole some er de niggers 'bout de fine bait er scuppernon' he et de night befo'.

That country hain't rugged and on-eend like this here, but is spread out smooth and soft and keerful, with nary ragged corner nowhar', and just enough roll to tole the eye along.

I tole Jake Farge that I'd shoot him on sight, and I'm mighty glad that someone else has saved me the trouble.

That was the real stuff,prime old apple-jack 'at I'd had in my cellar ten year last Christmas; an' it jest toled that feller across the bay, and captered him, without no manner of diffikilty.

I tole the overseer fore he whipped me he's show himself a better man than I was.

well da hain't gwine to lebe no dead nigger laying on top of de groun'." "I furnished the horses for the hearse, and one night I tole the boys to leave it in the stable because we were going to have another funeral the next day.

The Lord has seen fit to chastise us, an' I'm willin', I tole Jaspar so, ter begin agen.

When I tole her jes' how to do it,ash-cakes, griddle-cakes, batter-cake, every kin' of cake,she was so mighty obligated that she took a little bit of a pie, made of meat, out of the bag what she'd brought along to eat on the way home, not feelin' hungry at lunch time, an' give it to me.

"She tole me so herse'f, an' ef she's lef' alone she's gwine ter do it city fashion.

"I would n' tole nobody else," he said, in answer to my question, "but you tole a lie fo' me oncet, an' saved me a lickin'.

"I tole 'im I knowed 'e was h-innocen'.

I tole her 'Miss Nancy, de bees am sleep, lets steal de honey.'

"You tole me mos' pehticaleh to hole on to 'um, an' 'twouldn't be doin' my duty faithful to let 'um go 's long ez I could hole on to 'um." "But suppose they had killed you?" "Well, Mist' Dunkin, ef dey had, I hope I'd been ready to go.

Ah tole him ah couldn' preach.

I swear solemn that this is the first time in my life that I ever tole the truth, an' I'll never do it agen, if I know myself.'

He tole me o' the wedding.

Yesterday he tole Jake that he'd shoot him on sight if he, Jake, come on to the land which Uncle Sam says is his.

" In fact, it appeared that young master Frank, impatient of the absence of his father, had toled Wrestling Brewster and two other of the boys down into the cabin to show them his skill in managing his father's fowling- piece, had burst the gun, scattering the pieces about the cabin.

" The Farmer strewd barley, and toled The chickens the brush to run under, And left them, while Hawk growing bold, Thus tempted, came near for his plunder.

Why you didn't tole me, when you fus' come h'yar, dat you was dat

27 collocations for  toled