15 examples of cozenage in sentences

"They say this town is full of cozenage, As nimble jugglers that deceive the eye, Disguised cheaters, prating mountebanks, And many such like libertines of sin.

Robb'd of my chain, out-faced I had a sword, Accused of poisoning, cozenage, seeking blood!

Strange cozenage!

Strange cozenage!

Ile iustifie it: do not you know the receit of Cozenage? take an ounce of knavery at the least,and confederacie is

His art is nothing but delightful cozenage, whose rules are smoothing and guarded with perjury; whose scope is to make men fools in teaching them to overvalue themselves, and to tickle his friends to death.

4, mere illusions and cozenings, like that tale of Pasetis obulus in Suidas, or that of Autolicus, Mercury's son, that dwelt in Parnassus, who got so much treasure by cozenage and stealth.

The like you may say of all ages; children live in a perpetual slavery, still under that tyrannical government of masters; young men, and of riper years, subject to labour, and a thousand cares of the world, to treachery, falsehood, and cozenage, "Incedit per ignes, Suppositos cineri doloso," "you incautious tread On fires, with faithless ashes overhead.

Fons fraudum et maleficiorum, 'tis the fountain of cozenage and villainy.

Thus, with full sails, they ran upon the shelf: Who could suspect a cozenage from himself?

Strange cozenage!

Priesthood, that sells even to their prayers and blessings, And forces us to pay for our own cozenage! Thersites.

Thou art not dead, but flown afar, up hills of endless light, thru blazing corridors of suns, where worlds do swing of good and gentle men, of women strong and freefar from the cozenage, black hypocrisy and chaste prostitution of this shameful speck of dust!

But all these are trifles in comparison, if we step into other scenes, and consider the fraud and cozenage of trading men and shopkeepers; that insatiable gulf of injustice and oppression, the law.

But the subordinate officers of the law (and indeed some high in office, it was hinted), the sheriff's followers, bailiffs, tipstaves, and others, were all in their pay; besides a host of myrmidons,base, sordid knaves, who scrupled not at false-swearing, cozenage, or any sort of rascality, even forgery of legal documents, if required.

15 examples of  cozenage  in sentences