488 examples of evoke in sentences

When they are, they will evoke the admiration of the world, and of history.

It raises the threshold or strength of stimulus necessary to evoke a reaction.

When the adrenals evoke precocity, and an early awakening of the secondary sex characteristics, it is a masculine precocity, and an approximation to the masculine even in females.

For, in the first place, they have power to evoke the jingoism of the German publica jingoism which the violent patriotism of the people, their tradition of victorious force, their education, their dogma of race, continually keep alive.

But what is certain, and to my mind much more important, is the fact that military preparations evoke counter-preparations, until at last the strain becomes unbearable.

I considered that the company would have given up at least five hundred more to avoid being sued for the death of a man who had been able to evoke those letters; but I did not say so, for the case was Truman's and eight hundred dollars were many.

It remains to be seen whether their feeling is intense enough to evoke in them the measure of sacrifice adequate for successful non-co-operation.

My personality will fail to evoke any response to anti-Muslim cry if I were foolish enough to rise it, as the magic name of the Ali Brothers would fail to inspire the Mussalmans with enthusiasm if they were madly to raise in anti-Hindu cry.

Yet her frankness and her trustfulness could not fail to evoke sympathy.

But hardy a scintilla of this is perceived on ordinary occasions; indeed it has become so unpopular that an exhibition of it seems to quietly amuseto evoke mild smiles and dubious glancesrather than meet with reciprocity of approval.

; originate; give origin to, give rise, to, give occasion to; cause, occasion, sow the seeds of, kindle, suscitate^; bring on, bring to bring pass, bring about; produce; create &c 161; set up, set afloat, set on foot; found, broach, institute, lay the foundation of; lie at the root of. procure, induce, draw down, open the door to, superinduce, evoke, entail, operate; elicit, provoke.

Let me shut my eyes, and evoke the vision of Paris as it was, living, joyous, happy even in the midst of sadness.

I have never lost my invincible faith that there is a better mind in all civilised communitiesand that this better mind, if you can reach it, if statesmen in time to come can reach that better mind, can awaken it, can evoke it, can induce it to apply itself to practical purposes for the improvement of the conditions of such a community, they will earn the crown of beneficent fame indeed.

You have so often been told this, I know, and perhaps the familiar ring about the advice may evoke contempt.

In another kind of poem, Radha and Krishna are themselves made to speakKrishna, for example, describing his first glimpses of Radha and Radha struggling to evoke in words the ecstasies of their love.

Indeed, their prime purpose is to woo the presiding genius of the melody and suggest the visual scene most likely to evoke its spirit.

Only in Eastern India and then mainly in the villages did delight in Krishna continue to evoke new painting.

Waitz refers particularly to the Chippewa custom of putting powders into the images of coveted persons as a symptom of "romantic love," forgetting that a superstitious fool may resort to such a procedure to evoke any kind of love, sensual or sentimental, and that unless there are other and more specific symptoms there is nothing to indicate the quality of the lover's feelings or the ethical character of his desires.

The dalliance of Odysseus with the nymphs, and the licentious treatment of women captives by all the "heroes," do not, any more than the cowardly murder of the twelve maids, evoke a word of censure, disgust, or disapproval from his lips.

It is rather a new and unique psychic creation which their combined action on the mind is able to evoke.

The only way in which to apprehend reality's thickness is either to experience it directly by being a part of reality one's self, or to evoke it in imagination by sympathetically divining some one else's inner life.

"To name truly, you see, is to evoke, to create!"

It is also to evoke forces without the adequate corresponding shape that covers and controls them, and to attract upon yourself the destructive qualities of these Powersto your own final disintegration and annihilation.

I have a sort of feeling that the people who evoke most affection are the people who have something of the child always in themsomething petulant, wilful, self-absorbed, claiming sympathy and attention.

Their first enthusiasm returned, and now they tried to evoke the most exciting memories.

488 examples of  evoke  in sentences