95 examples of france's in sentences

He was in Paris at the time, and was in the garden a few hours after the executionremembered quite well the wall against which the marshal stoodand the comments of the crowd, not very flattering for the Government in executing one of France's bravest and most brilliant soldiers.

He was rather disgusted and discouraged at the view his colleagues of the cabinet and his friends took of France's attitude at the Congress.

Without committing any indiscretion it is possible to see now from the publications of the French representatives at the Conference themselves what France's claims were.

A great share in the responsibility in this matter lies with Great Britain, who not only followed France's error, but in certain ways made it worse by a number of intemperate requests.

"Simultaneously, it was necessary for us to inquire regarding France's attitude.

"We should naturally expect France's sympathy," he said.

Let me assure you that we thoroughly understand France's attitude in this matter.

Let France, let France's king, Thank the man that did the thing!" What a shout, and all one word, "Hervé Riel!"

They are not in themselves of much interest, although the sacristan's eagerness should not be discouraged; but Buffalmacco being Boccaccio's, Sacchetti's, Vasari's (and, later, Anatole France's) amusing hero, it is pleasant to look at his work and think of his freakishness.

To do so would have been to give France's richest colonies[A] outright to Germany at a moment when what they could supplymeat and wheatwas exactly what the enemy most needed.

France's capability of expansion is exhausted from insufficient increase of population.

She should be no weak Maria Theresa, but rather, as the priest had said, a new Jeanne d'Arc, come to lead France and France's king into better ways.

"France's religion should be that of France's king," said he, "and if my own guardsmen thwart me in such a matter, I must find others who will be more faithful.

But this has been France's month, the month in which the miracle of the first battle of the Marne has been equalled by the second, and the Germans have been hurled back across the fatal river by the tremendous counterstroke of General Foch.

A white city of desolation, scorched and battered, yet the brightest jewel in the crown of France's glory; a shining example to the world of the triumph of human resistance and the courage of men.

We gave because France was strong and America weak, because it was our greatest happiness to help right her wrongs, because 'tis ever France's way to succor the oppressed.

He could rhyme a delicate compliment for the one or draw up a plan to aid France's crippled revenues for the other, with equal dexterity.

France's part in world affairs predicted.

It was to the hand of the King of France's daughter, herself also named Catherine, that he made pretension, flattering himself that he would find in this union aid in support of his pretences to the crown of France.

" "Who, then, may hope to mitigate this curse?" "Who? prithee, who?""Why, France's three estates.

Francis I. yielded on all the Italian and Flemish questions; and Charles V. gave up Burgundy, and restored to liberty the King of France's two sons, prisoners at Madrid, in consideration of a ransom put at two millions of crowns and of having the marriage completed between his sister Eleanor and Francis I. King Henry VIII.

This was a last generous effort on behalf of the shreds of France's perishing colonies.

From loans and requisitions we accumulated a hundred beds, and for fifteen months now, by begging and strictest economy, we have managed to keep alive and to care, as best we can and in our primitive way, for all those of France's brave sons who come to us, sick or wounded.

False to his country as to the victims of his fascinations, he had been plotting with Spain, France's bitterest enemy, for the seizure of the Regent and the carrying him off across the Pyrenees; and certain incriminating letters sent to him by Cardinal Alberoni had been intercepted, and were in the Regent's hands.

Not two days had passed since the great battle, when a telegram from Napoleon was placed in the King's hands informing him that Austria had requested France's mediation, that Venetia had been surrendered to France, and inviting the King to conclude an armistice.

95 examples of  france's  in sentences