1283 examples of insisted that in sentences

" Having said this, the general insisted that each of us repeat the instructions so that he might know we understood them thoroughly, and then, clasping us by hand in turn, he bade us "Godspeed.

Ozma had practically insisted that he be sent home!

The lady insisted that the rock was very inconvenient; that there was no place near it where a good garden could be made; that it must always be a rude place; that it was a Herculean labour to make a dinner here.

But the large states insisted that the power of a state should be in proportion to its population.

Tito insisted that he was welcome to remain there, and said what he could to soothe him, but Baldassarre would stay no longer when he knew whose roof covered him.

But you came to me, and insisted that I should see the lady."

"The reason of the secrecy was this," she continued; "they became engaged the very night before Reuben was arrested, and, when he heard of the charge against him, he insisted that no one should be told unless, and until, he was fully acquitted.

Frances offered to cook them all on her stick, but Georgia and I insisted that it would be fun for each to broil her own.

" With such persuasive reiteration, Lord Caernarvon, in the name and at the instance of Sir E.B. Lytton, insisted that the wisest and most dignified course would be found in an appeal to and a decision by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, with the concurrence alike of Canada and the Hudson's Bay Company.

He himself being certain, from the sensation in his back, and the gush of blood he felt momently within his breast, that no human care could avail him, insisted that the surgeon should leave him, and attend to those to whom he might be useful; "For," said he, "you can do nothing for me."

Her father of course accompanied her on her return: but Spinello, in spite of his entreaties and remonstrances, was compelled to remain where he was; as Beatrice, who feared that Arezzo might recall all his gloomy ideas, peremptorily insisted that he should never return, but settle at Gaëta, or remove to Naples.

I was once engaged in conversation there on this subject; and the men, in consequence of a persuasion infused from their wives, insisted that they loved and not the wives; but that the wives received love from them.

Then the society itself discovered many a case among the worthy poor needing immediate medical treatment from Barkis, M.D., and, although Jack wished to make no charge, insisted that he should, and threatened to employ some one else if he didn't.

He insisted that the assembled notables have the right to satisfaction regarding your bona fides.

"Yes, but" "Well?" Now her agitation, increased, she seemed about to make some statement, but checked herself and simply insisted that she knew nothing about the shooting.

This brought an emphatic denial from one of his confreres who insisted that the Germans had already reached the end of their rope.

Buchanan insisted that he must recommend it in his annual message.

The Raja wished him to come to the palace but he insisted that his mother should first be sent for.

The writers insisted that Kentucky had nothing to hope from the Federal Government, and that it was nonsense to chatter about the infraction of treaties, for it was necessary, at any cost, to take Louisiana, which was "groaning under tyranny."

When unhorsed for the last time during the day, he insisted that I should listen to the story of his exploits.

She had bidden Aunt Barbara write to say she was there, and so after the tempting breakfast, which had been served in her room, and which she had eaten sitting up in bed, because Betty insisted that it should be soand she was glad to be petted and humored and made into a comfortable invalidAunt Barbara brought her writing materials into the room, and bidding Ethie lie still and rest herself, began the letter to Richard.

He instructed me to set aside $3,000,000 profits for Beulah Sands-Brownley, and insisted that I pay from the balance the notes he had given me a few weeks before.

It was during an audience at the castle, that the Emperor had explained his views, Bismarck his objections; the Emperor insisted that his will must be carried out, if not by Bismarck, then by another.

He insisted that, although the shippers might be required to furnish invoices and bills of lading, they should not be sent to the prize court for their property.

I could not eat a morsel; but he supped (or breakfasted) with a capital appetite; insisted that I should lie down on his bed for two or three hours; and slipping into his dressing-gown, took out his desk and cash-box, and settled himself to a regular morning's work.

1283 examples of  insisted that  in sentences